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The 3rd edition of Understanding Diabetes has been updated with new and additional information. Includes a general definition of diabetes.Describes how diabetes is diagnosed. Illustrates what happens in diabetes and insulin action in a body cell. Also describes the following types of diabetes: type I diabetes type 2 diabetes including factors causing insulin resistance pre-diabetes prenatal diabetes Discusses diabetes in youth.Lists symptoms and risk factors. And includes tips for successful diabetes management. Available in the following size and formats: 20" x 26" heavy paper ISBN 978-14698-9489-8 20" x 26" laminated with eyelets at top corners ISBN 978-14698-9492-8 printed in USA
Product Format
Trim Size
20 x 26
Anatomical Chart Company
Jeff Unger MD
Director, Medical Studies; Catalina Research Institute; Chino, Ca. President, Unger Family Medicine Center. Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, Loma Linda University School of Medicine.
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