Understanding pharmacology as it applies to the function of anesthesthetic drugs is crucial to learning how to be an anesthesiologist; understanding how physiology interacts with the drugs you are administering is just as important. This handbook follows the chapter headings of its parent textbook. Figures and tables are used extensively to summarize key points and dosages, making the book easy to use in the OR. A separate drug index makes looking up individual drugs fast and easy. Key Features:
NEW CHAPTER on drug delivery systems
NEW CHAPTER on pharmacogenomics
NEW coverage of drugs with anesthetic interactions
NEW coverage of the physiology of resuscitation
Comprehensive but succinct coverage of all major topics
Easy to access
Many tables and lists to emphasize key points
Written by Robert Stoelting
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Trim Size
7.125 x 4.25
Publication Date
January 10, 2015
Robert Stoelting
Key Features:
NEW CHAPTER on drug delivery systems
NEW CHAPTER on pharmacogenomics
NEW coverage of drugs with anesthetic interactions
NEW coverage of the physiology of resuscitation
Comprehensive but succinct coverage of all major topics
Stoelting's Handbook of Pharmacology and Physiology in Anesthetic Practice
ISBN/ISSN: 9781469890784
USD $88.99 Quantity:
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