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Best Practices for Transradial Approach in Diagnostic Angiography and Intervention

Publication Date:
January 10, 2015
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Best Practices for Transradial Approach in Diagnostic Angiography and Intervention provides an innovative, patient-friendly approach to percutaneous coronary intervention, delivering ...
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  • Best Practices for Transradial Approach in Diagnostic Angiography and Intervention provides an innovative, patient-friendly approach to percutaneous coronary intervention, delivering authoritative guidance on the procedures, as well as solid evidence from clinical studies and experienced facilities. Learn from pioneers and experts in the field how you can improve patient care and optimize outcomes using this efficient and cost-effective technique.
    • Increase your knowledge of the tremendous recent advancements to the transradial approach, and learn the clinical advantages and benefits of this approach compared with the standard femoral approach.
    • Benefit from the combined knowledge of a team of worldwide experts who provide practical “tips and tricks” that help you make the most of this globally acknowledged technique in your practice.
    • Gain insight into all relevant aspects of transradial coronary access, from basic facts and procedural details to complications and non-coronary interventions.
    • Examine an up-to-date, in-depth review and critical analysis of data available in the literature.
    Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, offering tablet, smartphone, or online access to:
    • Dozens of exclusive illustrations that demonstrate the benefits of using the transradial approach in clinical practice.
    • Complete content with enhanced navigation
    • Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web
    • Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation
    • Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text
    • Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues
    • Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Trim Size
    8.375 x 10.875
    Publication Date
    January 10, 2015
  • Olivier Bertrand MD, PhD, FSCAI
    Interventional Cardiologist
    Quebec Heart-Lung Institute;
    Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine
    Laval University;
    Adjunct Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
    McGill University;
    CAIC Transradial Interventions Working Group
    Quebec City, Canada
    Sunil Rao MD
    Associate Professor with Tenure
    Duke University Medical Center;
    Section Chief, Cardiovascular Medicine
    Durham VA Medical Center
    Durham, North Carolina

    1. Historical and Epidemiological Note
    Josef Ludwig and Harald Rittger
    2. Access Site Bleeding and Non-Access Site Bleeding
    Sunil V. Rao
    3. Best Practice in Transradial Approach for Angiography and Intervention: General Overview, Patient Preparation and Selection
    Alessandro Sciahbasi, Giuseppe Biondi-Zoccai, and Enrico Ramagnoli
    4. Vascularization, Anatomy, Variants
    Ian C. Gilchrist
    5. Anatomy, Tortuosities, Access Difficulties
    Tejas Patel, Sanjay Shah, and Samir B. Pancholy
    6. Radial Artery Versus Ulnar Artery Catheterization
    Sasko Kedev
    7. Tips and Tricks for Diagnostic Angiography and Intervention
    Mauricio Cohen
    8. Slender Catheters and Techniques
    Yuji Ikari
    9. Radial Artery Spasm and Abnormal Flow Reserve
    Sudhir Rathore
    10. Hemostasis and Radial Artery Occlusion
    Altigani Abdelaal, Ivo Bernat, and Samir B. Pancholy
    11. The Learning Curve for Transradial Coronary Angiography and Intervention
    Basem Elbarouni and Asim N. Cheema
    12. Complications of Transradial Catheterization
    Olivier F. Bertrand,Gérald Barbeau, and Ferdinand Kiemeneij
    13. Right Heart Catheterization Using the Arm: Total Wrist Approach for Diagnosis and Intervention
    Ian C. Gilchrist
    14. Coronary Interventions: 5 Fr Versus 6-7 Fr
    Gioel Gabrio Secco and Pierfrancesco Agostoni
    15. Primary and Rescue PCI
    Sanjit S. Jolly and Ashok Gangasandra Basavaraj
    16. Transradial Approach for Diagnostic and Interventional Procedures in Patients with Coronary Bypass Grafts
    Francesco Burzotta, Marta Francesca Brancati, and Carlo Trani
    17. Radial and Complex Coronary Interventions: Chronic Occlusion
    Yves Louvard, Thomas Hovasse, Philippe Garot, Thierry Unterseeh, Hakim Benamer, and Thierry Lefevre
    18. Radial Approach and Complex Coronary Interventions: Bifurcations
    Vladimír Džavíkand Nicholas Collins
    19. Transradial Percutaneous Revascularization for Unprotected Left Main Coronary Artery Disease: An Evolution in Evidence and Technique
    David E. Kandzari, Yue-Jin Yang, Bo Xu, and Run-Lin Gao
    20. Sheathless Guide Catheters
    Douglas Fraser and Giovanni Amoroso
    21. Radial Approach in the Elderly
    Eltigani Abdelaal and Warren J. Cantor
    22. Carotid, Femoral, Aorto-Iliac, and Renal Interventions
    J. Tift Mann III, John T. Coppola, Ravikiran Korabathina, Tejas Patel, and Rajiv Gulati
    23. Radiation in Transradial Access
    Gurbir Bhatia, Karim Ratib, Johannes B. Dahm, and James Nolan
    24. The Radial Approach and the Risk of Peri-Procedural Stroke
    Helen C. Routledge, Karim Ratib, and James Nolan
    25. Nursing Workload
    Bernadette S. Speiser and Giovanni Amoroso
    26. Quality of Life and Cost Effectiveness
    Adhir Shroff and Neal Sawlani
    27. Transradial Approach in Structural Heart Disease
    Amir H. Sadzadeh Rafie and Saibal Kar
    28. Randomized Studies of Transradial Versus Transfemoral Coronary Approach
    Jimmy MacHaalany and David Meerkin
    29. Conclusions and Future Directions
    Sunil V. Rao and Olivier F. Bertrand
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Best Practices for Transradial Approach in Diagnostic Angiography and Intervention

Best Practices for Transradial Approach in Diagnostic Angiography and Intervention

ISBN/ISSN: 9781469890487
USD $170.99 Quantity:
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