Home / Medicine / High-Yield™ Gross Anatomy

High-Yield™ Gross Anatomy

Edition: 5
Publication Date:
February 3, 2014
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High-Yield Gross AnatomyTM, Fifth Edition provides a concise review of gross anatomy material tested on course and board exams. The ...
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  • High-Yield Gross AnatomyTM, Fifth Edition provides a concise review of gross anatomy material tested on course and board exams. The streamlined outline format includes tables, diagrams, case studies, and clinical imaging -- perfect for a quick brush-up or last-minute review.
    Now in full color!
    The fifth edition features a fresh, full-color design with new clinical photos, concise illustrations, and additional must-know clinical concepts.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Fixed Layout eBook
    Trim Size
    7 x 10
    High-Yield Series
    Publication Date
    February 3, 2014
  • Ronald W. Dudek PhD
    Professor, Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, East Carolina University, Brody School of Medicine, Greenville, NC
    Thomas M Louis PhD
    Professor, Brody School of Medicine, East Carolina University, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Greenville, NC
    1. Vertebral Column
    2. Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves
    3. Autonomic Nervous System
    4. Lymphatic System
    5. Chest Wall
    6. Pleura, Tracheobronchial Tree, and Lungs
    7. Heart
    8. Abdominal Wall
    9. Peritoneal Cavity
    10. Abdominal Vasculature
    11. Abdominal Viscera
    12. Sigmoid Colon, Rectum, and Anal Canal
    13. Spleen
    14. Kidney, Ureter, Bladder, and Urethra
    15. Suprarenal (Adrenal) Glands
    16. Female Reproductive System
    17. Male Reproductive System
    18. Pelvis
    19. Perineum
    20. Upper Limb
    21. Lower Limb
    22. Head
    23. Neck
    24. Eye
    25. Ear

  • In response to student feedback, the Fifth Edition features:
    • A new and updated design -- now in full color!
    • New clinical considerations, clinical photos, and radiographs
    • Concise illustrations and diagrams to clarify important material
    • Eye-catching case studies to test your knowledge before course and board exams
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High-Yield™ Gross Anatomy

High-Yield™ Gross Anatomy

ISBN/ISSN: 9781469870571
USD $57.99 Quantity:
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