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Lippincott Review: Pediatric Nursing

Edition: 5
Publication Date:
July 20, 2015
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Lippincott’s Review Series: Pediatric Nursing, Fifth EditionEnd the confusion: the answers to all your pediatric nursing questions are here—in the ...
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  • Lippincott’s Review Series: Pediatric Nursing, Fifth Edition

    End the confusion: the answers to all your pediatric nursing questions are here—in the brand-new edition of Pediatric Nursing, 5th edition . This indispensable Lippincott Review Series text will fill you in, whether you are preparing for certification as a pediatric nurse, need backup support for your pediatric nursing class, or seek on-the-spot clinical answers. Covering everything you need to know in practical, easy-to-follow terms, this pediatric nursing review also offers more than 200 study questions with answers and explanations, to get you NCLEX or certification-ready and real-world confident.

    Let this powerhouse review text prepare you for exam success and real-life know-how …

    · NEW: Chapter on psychiatric disorders
    · NEW: BP charts; growth charts, pediatric procedures
    · NEW content on:
    o Genetics, Affordable Care Act, HIPAA
    o Physical, psychosocial, psychosexual, and cognitive development
    o Psychosocial aspects of chronic illness and disability
    o Child and adolescent mental health dysfunction
    o Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance and imbalance
    o Infectious process and immunizations
    o Dysfunctions of the immune, respiratory, cardiovascular, GI, genitourinary, musculoskeletal, neurologic, endocrine, and hematologic systems
    o Cancer in children
    · Quick-glance clinical guide – Gives you on-the-spot answers for pediatric nursing questions
    · Easy-use study guide – Gives you a stronger grip on your pediatric nursing course
    · NCLEX practice questions, with answers and explanations, get you exam-ready:
    o More than 200 end-of-chapter study questions
    o Comprehensive end-of-book test
    · Complete guide to child and adolescent developmental stages and how they affect nursing procedures
    · Outline format offers easy-to-remember, quick-read content
    · Essential for: Students in pediatric nursing courses; new nursing grads; NCLEX exam-takers; pediatric certification exam-takers

  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    8.375 x 10.875
    Publication Date
    July 20, 2015
  • Mary Muscari
    Dr. Mary Muscari PhD, MSCr, CPNP, PMHCNS-BC, AFN-BC is a specialist in child health, mental health, and forensics. She has over forty years of experience working with children and teenagers. She has over 150 written and co-authored publications to her name including pediatric nursing review guides, child and adolescent forensic titles, and several parenting books.
    1 Pediatric nursing overview
    2 Infant growth and development (Birth to 1 year of age)
    3 Toddler growth and development (1 to 3 years of age)
    4 Preschool growth and development (3 to 6 years of age)
    5 School-age growth and development (6 to 12 years of age)
    6 Adolescent growth and development (12 to 18 years of age)
    7 Common psychosocial problems
    8_____Mental Health & Cognitive Dysfunction
    9 Fluid and electrolyte balance and imbalance
    10 Immune system disorders
    11 Infectious diseases and Immunizations
    12 Respiratory dysfunction
    13 Cardiovascular dysfunction
    14 Gastrointestinal dysfunction
    15 Genitourinary dysfunction
    16 Musculoskeletal and neuromuscular dysfunction
    17 Neurologic dysfunction
    18 Endocrine dysfunction
    19 Hematologic dysfunction
    20 Cancer
    Appendix A: Blood Pressure Levels
    Appendix B: Growth Charts
    Appendix C: Normal Laboratory Study Values
    Appendix D: Nursing Considerations for Laboratory and Diagnostic Studies
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Lippincott Review: Pediatric Nursing

Lippincott Review: Pediatric Nursing

ISBN/ISSN: 9781451194289
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