Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023!
Now in a fully revised 4th Edition, Modern Epidemiology remains the gold standard text in this complex and evolving field, offering unparalleled, comprehensive coverage of the principles and methods of epidemiologic research. Featuring a new, full-color design, updated models, and a new format allowing space for margin notes, this edition continues to provide authoritative information on the methodologic issues crucial to the wide range of epidemiologic applications in public health and medicine.
Reflects both the conceptual development of this evolving science and the increasing role that epidemiology plays in both public health and medicine.
Features a new full-color design, new coverage of marginal structural models, new instrumental variable analysis, updated structural nested models, and more.
Covers a broad range of concepts and methods, including epidemiologic measures of occurrence and effect, study designs, validity, precision, statistical interference, field methods, and causal diagrams.
Includes data analysis topics such as Bayesian analysis, sensitivity analysis, and bias analysis, with an extensive overview of modern regression methods including logistic and survival regression, splines, hierarchical (multilevel) regression, propensity scores and other scoring methods, and g-estimation.
Discusses special topics such as disease surveillance, ecologic studies, social epidemiology, infectious disease epidemiology, genetic and molecular epidemiology, nutritional epidemiology, environmental epidemiology, reproductive epidemiology, clinical epidemiology, and meta-analysis.
Coauthored by three leading epidemiologists, with contributions from experts in a variety of epidemiologic sub-disciplines.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
7 x 10
Publication Date
December 29, 2020
Timothy L. Lash
Associate Professor, Departments of Epidemiology and Medicine, Boston University, Boston, MA
Tyler J. VanderWeele
Sebastien Haneuse
Kenneth J. Rothman
Vice President, RTI Health Solutions and Professor, Departments of Epidemiology and Medicine, Boston University, Boston, MA
Reflects both the conceptual development of this evolving science and the increasing role that epidemiology plays in both public health and medicine.
Features a new full-color design, new coverage of marginal structural models, new instrumental variable analysis, updated structural nested models, and more.
Covers a broad range of concepts and methods, including epidemiologic measures of occurrence and effect, study designs, validity, precision, statistical interference, field methods, and causal diagrams.
Includes data analysis topics such as Bayesian analysis, sensitivity analysis, and bias analysis, with an extensive overview of modern regression methods including logistic and survival regression, splines, hierarchical (multilevel) regression, propensity scores and other scoring methods, and g-estimation.
Discusses special topics such as disease surveillance, ecologic studies, social epidemiology, infectious disease epidemiology, genetic and molecular epidemiology, nutritional epidemiology, environmental epidemiology, reproductive epidemiology, clinical epidemiology, and meta-analysis.
Coauthored by three leading epidemiologists, with contributions from experts in a variety of epidemiologic sub-disciplines.
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