Dermoscopy has revolutionized the evaluation of pigmented lesions, but pattern recognition alone isn’t always sufficient to make a diagnosis. A Practical Guide to Dermoscopy helps you use Dr. Orit Markowitz’s unique, “color wheel” approach to solve difficult diagnostic challenges, particularly when it comes to distinguishing between malignant and benign conditions, and thus expedite effective treatment. Features:
Make optimal use of dermoscopy thanks to an overview that explains the potential and limitations of this diagnostic technology.
Know where to start thanks to an intuitive organization that examines the possible diagnoses associated with lesions of any color – brown, red, yellow, blue, or periwinkle.
Confidently distinguish amelanotic melanomas from other, less dangerous skin conditions.
View vivid examples with dermoscopic photographs drawn from Dr. Markowitz’s own collection, with corresponding illustrations that highlight key distinguishing features.
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Product Format
Hardcover Book
Trim Size
7 x 10
Publication Date
July 25, 2017
Orit Markowitz
Orit Markowitz, MD, FAAD Director of Pigmented Lesions and Skin Cancer Associate Professor of Dermatology Mount Sinai Medical Center New York, New York; Director of Pigmented Lesions Clinic Brooklyn VA Brooklyn, New York; Adjunct Professor, Dermatology SUNY Downstate Medical Center Brooklyn, New York; Chief of Dermatology Queens General Hospital Jamaica, New York
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