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Core Curriculum for Vascular Nursing
An Official Publication of the Society for Vascular Nursing (SVN)
The official publication of the Society for Vascular Nursing, the newly updated Core Curriculum for Vascular Nursing provides core vascular nursing information essential to new and experienced practitioners alike. Presented in a quick-reference outline, the evidence-based content addresses a wide range of vascular conditions, as well as diagnostics, vascular anatomy, surgical interventions, medications, and patient education. Whether you are prepping for the certification exam, involved in continuing education, or treating a challenging patient condition, this is an unbeatable resource.
Features: · NEW content on new technology and recent advances in vascular nursing · NEW content on ischemic nephropathy · Read-at-a-glance outline format, illustrated with numerous tables and charts · Coverage of topics including: the evolution of vascular nursing; vascular assessment and diagnosis; vascular nursing research; recommendations for treatment of carotid artery stenosis, aortic aneurysm, renal artery stenosis, vascular access, venous disease, vascular trauma, amputations, and lymphedema · Can serve as a manual for nursing instructors, and as a foundation for vascular nursing training and courses · References and suggested readings listed at end of each chapter
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
7 x 10
Publication Date
June 30, 2014
Cynthia Rebik Christensen
Patricia A. Lewis
The Evolution of Vascular Nursing
Vascular Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice
Anatomy and Physiology of the Vascular System
Peripheral Vascular Assessment
Vascular Diagnostic Studies
Medications Used in Patients with Peripheral Vascular Disease
Teaching and Learning Principles
Vascular Medicine and Rehabilitation
Lower Extremity Arterial Disease
Upper Extremity Arterial Occlusive Disease
Cerebrovascular Vascular Disease
Mesenteric Ischemia
Aneurysmal Disease
Renovascular Disease and Ischemic Nephropathy
Vascular Access
Buerger’s Disease (Thromboangitis Obliterans)
Raynaud’s Phenomenon
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Superficial Thrombophlebitis and Deep Vein Thrombosis
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