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Decision Making in Emergency Critical Care

An Evidence-Based Handbook
Publication Date:
October 2, 2014
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Looking for a concise and authoritative resource to help you manage the types of complex cardiac, pulmonary, and neurological emergencies ...
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  • Looking for a concise and authoritative resource to help you manage the types of complex cardiac, pulmonary, and neurological emergencies you encounter as a resident or attending emergency room physician? Look no further than Decision Making in Emergency Critical Care: An Evidence-Based Handbook. This portable guide to rational clinical decision-making in the challenging – and changing – world of emergency critical care provides in every chapter a streamlined review of a common problem in critical care medicine, along with evidence-based guidelines and summary tables of landmark literature.
    • Prepare for effective critical care practice in the emergency room’s often chaotic and resource-limited environment with expert guidance from fellows and attending physicians in the fields of emergency medicine, pulmonary and critical care medicine, cardiology, gastroenterology, and neurocritical care.
    • Master critical care fundamentals as experts guide you through the initial resuscitation and the continued management of critical care patients during their first 24 hours of intensive care.
    • Confidently make sustained, data-driven decisions for the critically ill patient using expert information on everything from hemodynamic monitoring and critical care ultrasonography to sepsis and septic shock to the ED-ICU transfer of care.

    Your book purchase includes an eBook version created for Android, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, PC, & Mac. This eBook features:
    • Complete content with enhanced navigation
    • A powerful search tool that pulls results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web
    • Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation
    • Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text
    • Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues
    • Quick-reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    6 x 9
    Publication Date
    October 2, 2014
  • John E Arbo MD
    Assistant Professor of Medicine
    Division of Emergency Medicine and Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine
    Weil Cornell Medical College
    New York Presbyterian Hospital
    New York, New York
    Stephen J Ruoss MD
    Professor of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
    Co-Chief, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Division
    Stanford University Medical Center
    Stanford, California
    Geoffrey K Lighthall MD
    Associate Professor of Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine
    Stanford University Medical Center
    Stanford, California
    Michael P Jones MD
    Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
    Associate Program Director – Jacobi/Montefiore Emergency Medicine Residency Program
    Albert Einstein College of Medicine
    New York, New York
  • Section 1 Introduction

    1. Emergency Critical Care – Robert Rodriguez

    Section 2 Hemodynamic Monitoring

    1. Tissue Oxygenation and Cardiac Output – Catherine S. Reid, Geoffrey K. Lighthall
    2. Non-Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring – Chad MyersArterial Blood Pressure Monitoring – Vidya Rao, John E. ArboThe Central Venous and Pulmonary Artery Catheter – Carlos Brun, Geoffrey K. Lighthall

    Section 3 Critical Care Ultrasonography

    1. Principles of Critical Care Ultrasonography – Philips Perera, Laleh Gharahbaghian, Thomas Mailhot, Sarah Williams, Diku P. Mandavia
    2. Pulmonary Ultrasonography – Feras Khan, Anne-Sophie Beraud

    Section 4 Pulmonary Critical Care

    1. Respiratory Failure and Mechanical Ventilation – John-Emile Kenny, Stephan J. Ruoss
    2. Ventilation Strategies in COPD, Asthma, and Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension – Jey Chung, Paul Mohabir, Stephen J. RuossAcute Pulmonary Edema – Nina Patel, Margaret NeffHigh Risk Pulmonary Embolism – Tsuyoshi MitariAcute Respiratory Distress Syndrome – Darryl Abrams, Daniel BrodieExtracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Membrane Oxygenation – Vidya Rao, Darryl Abrams, Cara Agerstrand, Daniel Brodie

    Section 5 Cardiac Critical Care

    1. Heart Failure and Cardiogenic Shock – Daniel Sedehi, Venu Menon
    2. Right Ventricular Failure – Joshua Sternbach, Francois Haddad, John E. Arbo, Anne-Sophie BeraudHypertensive Crises – Anand Swaminathan, Michael P. JonesControversies in Arrhythmia Management – Sam SenturiaLeft Ventricular Assist Devices – Joseph Hsu, Rachel DotsonManagement of the Post-Cardiac Arrest Patient – Cappi Lay

    Section 6 Neurological Critical Care

    1. Acute Ischemic Stroke – Mohamed Teleb, Paul Sing
    2. Subarachnoid and Intracerebral Hemorrhage – Airton Leonardo de Oliveira Manoel , David Turkel-Parrella, Cappi Lay, Albert Goffi, Joshua StillmanSeizure and Status Epilepticus – Brandon Foreman, Anil MendirattaMyasthenic Crisis and Peripheral Neuromuscular Disorders – Christina Ulane

    Section 7 Gastrointestinal and Hematological Critical Care

    1. Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage – Parvathi Myer, Shai Freidland
    2. Acute Liver Failure and Hepatic Encephalopathy – Robert Wong, Glen LutchmanPancreatitis – Susan Quan, Walter ParkLeukemia – Martina Trinkaus,Sickle Cell Disease – Richard WardPlatelet Disorders and Hemostatic Emergencies – Shawn Kaku, Catherine T. JaminTransfusion Therapy – Michael P. Jones, John E. Arbo

    Section 8 Sepsis and Septic Shock

    1. Sepsis – Michael Scott, Michael Winters
    2. Vasopressors and Inotropes – Matthew StrehlowPrinciples of Antimicrobial Therapy – Chanu Rhee, Michael KlompasInfections in the Immunocompromised Host – Maria Cristina Vazquez-Guillamet, Joshua Mooney, Joseph HsuBurns and Soft Tissue Infections – Carla M. Carvalho, Paul MaggioBiomarkers in Sepsis – David M. Maslove

    Section 9 Disorders of Acid-Base, Electrolytes, and Fluid Balance

    1. Acid-Base Disorders – Tara Scherer, Corey Slovis
    2. Electrolytes Disorders – Katy Deljoui, Michael McCurdyRhabdomyolysis – Audrey Wagner, Deborah M. SteinAcute Kidney Injury and Renal Replacement Therapy – Emilee Ruth Willhem-Leen, Glen Chertow

    Section 10 Endocrine Critical Care

    1. Glycemic Control in the Critically Ill – Daniel Runde, Jarone Lee
    2. Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State – Catherine T. Jamin, Jeffrey MankoAdrenal Insufficiency – Thomas B. PereraThyroid Storm and Myxedema Coma – James Lantry III, John E. Arbo Geoffrey K. Lighthall

    Section 11 Toxicological Critical Care

    1. Cardiotoxins – Nicholas Connor, Silas W. Smith
    2. Pulmonary Toxins – Hong Kim, Rama B. RaoToxicologic Hyperthermic Syndromes – Mai Takematsu, Rama B. RaoMetabolic Inhibitors – Lauren Shawn, Lewis S. NelsonCaustics – Payal Sud, Mark SuAnticoagulants – Betty Chen, Lewis S. NelsonDrugs of Abuse – Rana Biary, Jane Marie ProsserAlcohol Withdrawal – Nicole Bouchard

    Section 12 Environmental Critical Care

    1. Hypothermia – Morgan Eutermoser, Jay Lemery
    2. Altitude Emergencies - Zina Semenovskaya, Christopher Davis, Jay LemeryDrowning and Dive-Related Emergencies – Samuel Gerson, Jose Evangelista III

    Section 13 Sedation and Delirium

    1. Delirium – Jin H. Han, Eduard E. Vasilevsis,E. Wesley Ely
    2. Sedation of the Agitated Patient – Randall Wood, Jin H. HanInduction of Intubation and Sedation of the Mechanically Ventilated Patient – Jin H. Han, Pratik Pandharipande

    Section 14 Geriatrics and Palliative Care

    1. The Geriatric Patient – Mary Mulcare, Alexis Halpern, Michael Stern
    2. Palliative Care in the Emergency Department – Lawrence Ho, J. Randall Curtis

    Section 15 The ED-ICU Transfer of Care

    1. Emergency Department Evaluation of the Critical Ill Patient – Geoffrey K. Lighthall, John E. Arbo
    2. Severity of Illness Scores and Prognostication – David MasloveIndications for Contact and Respiratory Isolation – Chanu Rhee, Michael Klompas

    Epilogue – Scott Weingart
    • Prepare for effective critical care practice in the emergency room’s often chaotic and resource-limited environment with expert guidance from fellows and attending physicians in the fields of emergency medicine, pulmonary and critical care medicine, cardiology, gastroenterology, and neurocritical care.
    • Master critical care fundamentals as experts guide you through the initial resuscitation and the continued management of critical care patients during their first 24 hours of intensive care.
    • Confidently make sustained, data-driven decisions for the critically ill patient using expert information on everything from hemodynamic monitoring and critical care ultrasonography to sepsis and septic shock to the ED-ICU transfer of care.

    Your book purchase includes an eBook version created for Android, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, PC, & Mac. This eBook features:
    • Complete content with enhanced navigation
    • A powerful search tool that pulls results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web
    • Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation
    • Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text
    • Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues
    • Quick-reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
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Decision Making in Emergency Critical Care

Decision Making in Emergency Critical Care

ISBN/ISSN: 9781451186895
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