Master the concepts and skills necessary for effective practice with Occupational Therapy Evaluation for Adults: A Pocket Guide, 2nd Edition . Reflecting the latest AOTA standards, this pocket-sized guide is a quick, comprehensive reference designed to help you learn to perform efficient evaluations of adults, identify problems, and plan and implement interventions to produce optimal therapeutic outcomes. '
See how concepts are applied to practice with real world clinical examples in every chapter.
Develop your skills and understanding with illustrations and photographs that demonstrate assessment techniques.
Broaden your knowledge with easy-to-understand coverage of a client-centered top/down approach using the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework (OTPF).
Prepare your students for community-based practice with a range of new evaluation tools.
Develop practical skills for the workplace with up-to-date coverage of interview skills, HIPAA guidelines for communication, and more.
Access a wide range of useful tools, including tables that capture information in an easy-to-read manner, an appendix on terminology, and online evaluation forms.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
5 x 8
Publication Date
October 21, 2013
Kerryellen Griffith Vroman Ph.D, OTR/L
Occupational Therapy Department, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
Elizabeth Stewart Masters-Health Management
University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
Chapter 1: Evaluation Process in Occupational Therapy · The occupational therapy process · The evaluation process · Overarching principles of the evaluation process · Terms used and definitions · Guide to reading occupational therapy evaluation for adults: A pocket guide
Chapter 2: The Occupational Therapy Practice Framework and Relationship to The Evaluation Process · The AOTA Occupational Therapy Practice Framework · The process of the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework · Professional roles of occupational therapy practitioners
Chapter 3: The Occupational Therapy Practitioner’s Clinical Thinking
· Clinical reasoning · Types of clinical reasoning · Assumptions, models of practice and frames of reference · Types of frames of reference
Chapter 4: The Evaluation Process: Referral and Interview
· Step 1: Screening the referral · Step 2: Reviewing data prior to meeting a client · Step 3: Initial interview · Step 4: Transitioning to evaluate occupational performance · Policies, procedures, and safety
Chapter 5: Evaluations and Assessment · Types of assessments o Nonstandardized assessments o Standardized assessments
· Understanding the Psychometric Properties of an Assessment Tool · Statistical Terminology · Scoring and Interpreting Data · Integrity and Use of Assessments · Public Domain and Copyright Assessments
Chapter 6: Evaluation of Occupational Patterns and Performance · Roles · Routines and Habits · Activities of Daily Living · Instrumental Activities of Daily Living · Work · Social Participation · Leisure
Chapter 7: Assessing Motor Performance Part I: Procedures, Assessments and Considerations in Evaluating Motor Performance Part II: Client Factors Related to Motor Performance Part III: Application of Motor Evaluation (Sophia Case Study)
Chapter 8: Evaluation of Cognitive Performance Skills and Assessment Tools
Chapter 9: Evaluation of Visual/Perceptual Performance Skills and Assessment Tools
Chapter 10: Evaluation and Assessment Tools for the Environment
Chapter 11 : Considerations in Goal Writing
I. Terminology II. Summary chart of the AOTA Practice Framework
References (after each chapter)
NEW! This edition is fully updated to reflect the revised AOTA Practice Framework.
NEW! A completely revised Chapter 2 presents a client-centered top/down approach that uses the OTPF.
NEW! A wide range of evaluation tools for community-based practice have been added.
Help your students apply concepts to practice with real world clinical examples.
Develop your students’ skills and understanding with illustrations and photographs that demonstrate assessment techniques.
Broaden your students’ knowledge with new coverage of a client-centered top/down approach using the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework.
Prepare your students for community-based practice with a range of new evaluation tools.
Help your students develop practical skills for the workplace with up-to-date coverage of interview skills, HIPAA guidelines for communication, and more.
Provide your students with useful tools, including tables that capture information in an easy-to-read manner and an appendix on terminology.
Access additional resources online at thePoint including evaluation forms and instructor tools.
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