This classic well-illustrated textbook simplifies neuroscience content to focus coverage on the essentials and helps students learn important neuroanatomical facts ...
This classic well-illustrated textbook simplifies neuroscience content to focus coverage on the essentials and helps students learn important neuroanatomical facts and definitions. Among its many distinctions are its organization by region and then pathways into and out of the nervous system, which permits students an integrated view of the anatomy and physiology; level of treatment suited to increasingly shorter neuroanatomy course hours for medical and allied health students; and the author's succinct writing style.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
7 x 10
Publication Date
May 26, 2013
John Kiernan MB, ChB, PhD, DSc
Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
Raj Rajakumar
PART I Introduction and Neurohistology 1 Development, Composition, and Evolution of the Nervous System 2 Cells of the Nervous System 3 Peripheral Nervous System 4 Imaging Techniques and Neuroanatomical Research Methods
PART II Regional Anatomy of the Central Nervous System 5 Spinal Cord 6 Brain Stem: External Anatomy 7 Brain Stem: Nuclei and Tracts 8 Cranial Nerves 9 Reticular Formation 10 Cerebellum 11 Diencephalon 12 Corpus Striatum 13 Topography of the Cerebral Hemispheres 14 Histology of the Cerebral Cortex 15 Functional Localization in the Cerebral Cortex 16 Cerebral White Matter and Lateral Ventricles 17 Olfactory System 18 Limbic System: The Hippocampus and the Amygdala
PART III Review of the Major Systems 19 General Sensory Systems 20 Visual System 21 Auditory System 22 Vestibular System 23 Motor Systems 24 Visceral Innervation
PART IV Blood Supply and the Meninges 25 Blood Supply of the Central Nervous System 26 Meninges and Cerebrospinal Fluid Glossary of Neuroanatomical and Related Terms Index
Detailed information about embryology, cytology, comparative anatomy, and physiology as they relate to understanding the human nervous system.
Pedagogical features aimed at helping students learn, including important facts, clinical notes, definitions for essential terms, and suggested readings.
Completely revised and updated chapter on Neuroanatomical Research Methods
Vibrant full-color illustrations
Glossary of terms and lists of Abbreviations for quick reference.
Illustration depicting all the major pathways.
Updates to include current trends and terminology.
Barr's The Human Nervous System: An Anatomical Viewpoint
ISBN/ISSN: 9781451173277
USD $99.99 Quantity :
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