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Irwin & Rippe's Procedures, Techniques and Minimally Invasive Monitoring in Intensive Care Medicine
This softcover manual covers all procedures and techniques necessary for certification in critical care from teh internal medicine, anesthesiology, and ...
This softcover manual covers all procedures and techniques necessary for certification in critical care from teh internal medicine, anesthesiology, and surgical critical care certification exam. Each procedure or monitoring technique discusses indications/contraindications, equipment, anatomy, techniques, postprocedure care, and complications. Specific nursing indications are indicated where appropriate.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
8.375 x 10.875
Publication Date
September 26, 2011
Richard S. Irwin MD, FCCP
Professor of Medicine and Nursing, University of Massachusetts; Chair, Critical Care Operations, UMass Memorial Medical Center, Worcester, MA
James M. Rippe MD
Associate Professor of Medicine (Cardiology), Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA; Founder and Director, Rippe Lifestyle Institute, Shrewsbury, MA; Founder and Director, Rippe Health Assessment at Florida Hospital Celebration Health, Orlando, FL ; Founder and Director, Rippe Lifestyle Institute, Shrewsbury, MA; Founder and Director, Rippe Health Assessment at Florida Hospital Celebration Health, Orlando, FL
Alan Lisbon MD
Associate Professor of Anesthesia, Harvard Medical School; Department of Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA
Stephen O. Heard MD
Professor of Anesthesiology and Surgery, Department of Anesthesiology, UMass Memorial Health Care, Worcester, MA
SECTION I ¦ PROCEDURES, TECHNIQUES, AND MINIMALLY INVASIVE MONITORING Chapter 1 Airway Management and Endotracheal Intubation J. Matthias Walz, Shubjeet Kaur and Stephen O. Heard Chapter 2 Central Venous Catheters Jason Lee-Llacer and Michael G. Seneff Chapter 3 Arterial Line Placement and Care Jason Lee-Llacer and Michael G. Seneff Chapter 4 Pulmonary Artery Catheters Harvey S. Reich Chapter 5 Temporary Cardiac Pacing Seth T. Dahlberg Chapter 6 Cardioversion and De?brillation Mark S. Link and Naomi F. Botkin Chapter 7 Pericardiocentesis Craig S. Smith and Richard C. Becker Chapter 8 Chest Tube Insertion and Care Ulises Torres and Robert A. Lancy Chapter 9 Bronchoscopy Stephen J. Krinzman, Paulo J. Oliveira and Richard S. Irwin Chapter 10 Thoracentesis Mark M. Wilson and Richard S. Irwin Chapter 11 Arterial Puncture for Blood Gas Analysis Kimberly A. Robinson and Richard S. Irwin Chapter 12 Tracheostomy Scott E. Kopec and Timothy A. Emhoff Chapter 13 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Anupam Singh, Randall S. Pellish and Wahid Y. Wassef Chapter 14 Paracentesis and Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage Lena M. Napolitano Chapter 15 Gastroesophageal Balloon Tamponade for Acute Variceal Hemorrhage Marie T. Pavini and Juan Carlos Puyana Chapter 16 Endoscopic Placement of Feeding Tubes Lena M. Napolitano Chapter 17 Cerebrospinal Fluid Aspiration John P. Weaver Chapter 18 Percutaneous Suprapubic Cystostomy Satya Allaparthi, K.C. Balaji and Philip J. Ayvazian Chapter 19 Aspiration of the Knee and Synovial Fluid Analysis Bonnie J. Bidinger and Eric W. Jacobson Chapter 20 Anesthesia for Bedside Procedures Mark Dershwitz Chapter 21 Interventional Ultrasound Gisela I. Banauch and Paul H. Mayo Chapter 22 Interventional Radiology: Percutaneous Drainage Techniques Brian T. Callahan, Salomao Faintuch and Felipe B. Collares Chapter 23 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Bruce Greenberg and John A. Paraskos Chapter 24 Management of Pain in the Critically Ill Patient Armagan Dagal, Mario De Pinto and W. Thomas Edwards Chapter 25 Therapeutic Paralysis Khaldoun Faris Chapter 26 Renal Replacement Therapy in the Intensive Care Unit Glenn Kershaw, Matthew J. Trainor and Pang-Yen Fan Chapter 27 Therapeutic Apheresis: Technical Considerations and Indications in Critical Care Theresa A. Nester and Michael Linenberger Chapter 28 Lung Biopsy Scott E. Kopec and Richard S. Irwin
SECTION II ¦ MINIMALLY INVASIVE MONITORING Chapter 29 Routine Monitoring of Critically Ill Patients Patrick Troy, Nicholas A. Smyrnios and Michael D. Howell Chapter 30 Minimally Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring Andrew J. Goodwin, Ednan K. Bajwa and Atul Malhotra Chapter 31 Neurologic Multimodal Monitoring Raphael A. Carandang, Wiley R. Hall and Donald S. Prough Chapter 32 Echocardiography in the Intensive Care Unit Achikam Oren-Grinberg, Sajid Shahul and Adam B. Lerner Chapter 33 Monitoring Gastrointestinal Tract Function Ruben J. Azocar, Laura Santos Pavia and Suresh Agarwal Chapter 34 Respiratory Monitoring during Mechanical Ventilation Todd W. Sarge, Ray Ritz and Daniel Talmor
Irwin & Rippe's Procedures, Techniques and Minimally Invasive Monitoring in Intensive Care Medicine
ISBN/ISSN: 9781451146813
USD $128.99 Quantity:
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