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Practical Neuroangiography

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
February 6, 2013
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Building upon the success of prior editions, Practical Neuroangiography, Third Edition , provides a detailed and richly illustrated guide to diagnostic ...
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  • Building upon the success of prior editions, Practical Neuroangiography, Third Edition , provides a detailed and richly illustrated guide to diagnostic and interventional neuroangiography and its role in the management of neurovascular disease.
    The Third Edition provides the new fellow with the background knowledge needed to understand these procedures, the unusual variant anatomy that can affect treatment and outcomes, and the field’s current limitations.
    Organized for ease of use, the book's four sections address techniques and safety; normal anatomy & pathology correlated with angiographic images; angiographic findings of neurovascular diseases; and an introduction to interventional techniques and emergency procedures. Actual patient cases provide practical stepwise coverage of each procedure, tips for accurate diagnosis, and guidance in clinical decision-making.
    NEW to the Third Edition…
    • CT and MR perfusion studies address the therapeutic challenges of vessel occlusion and damage to cranial tissue.
    • More detailed techniques and concise patient cases combine to create a hands-on guide to successful outcomes.
    • Strong emphasis on radiation risk & safety put the patient’s well-being first during therapeutic decision-making.
    • Emphasis on the angiographic anatomy of the cerebrovascular system details key pathologic features that affect therapeutic approaches.
    • Companion website with text/image search and additional cases is cross-referenced to specific chapters in the text for easy access to critical information.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Trim Size
    8.375 x 10.875
    Publication Date
    February 6, 2013
  • P. Pearse Morris MB, BCh
    Director of Interventional Neuroradiology, Associate Professor of Radiology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC
  • Preface to the Third Edition
    Preface to the First Edition

    SECTION I Techniques and Safety
    1 History and Introduction
    2 Performing a Cerebral Arteriogram
    3 Spinal Angiography: Technical Aspects
    4 Pediatric Neuroangiography: Technical Aspects
    5 Safety and Complications
    6 Radiation Risks and Safety

    Section II Anatomy
    7 Embryology of the Cranial Circulation
    8 Aortic Arch
    9 The Circle of Willis
    10 The Internal Carotid Artery
    11 The Anterior Cerebral Artery
    12 The Middle Cerebral Artery
    13 The Posterior Cerebral Artery
    14 The Extradural Vertebral Arteries
    15 The Arteries of the Posterior Fossa
    16 The Venous System
    17 The External Carotid Artery and Extracranial Circulation

    Section III Vascular Diseases: Diagnosis and Treatment
    18 Intracranial Aneurysms, Diagnosis and Treatment
    19 Vascular Malformations of the Brain
    20 Cranial Dural Vascular Malformations
    21 Vascular Malformations of the Spine
    22 Pediatric Ischemic Stroke and Arteriopathy
    23 Carotid-Cavernous Fistulas
    24 Nonaneurysmal Perimesencephalic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
    25 ENT Bleeding and Tumor Embolization
    26 Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome
    27 Vasculitides Involving the Central Nervous System
    28 Bow Hunter’s Stroke
    29 Dural Sinus Occlusive Disease
    30 Cerebral Vasospasm
    31 Angioplasty and Stenting of Atherosclerotic Disease
    32 Endovascular Treatment of Ischemic Stroke
    33 Vein of Galen Malformations

  • NEW to the Third Edition…
    • CT and MR perfusion studies address the therapeutic challenges of vessel occlusion and damage to cranial tissue.
    • More detailed techniques and concise patient cases combine to create a hands-on guide to successful outcomes.
    • Strong emphasis on radiation risk & safety put the patient’s well-being first during therapeutic decision-making.
    • Emphasis on the angiographic anatomy of the cerebrovascular system details key pathologic features that affect therapeutic approaches.
    • Companion website with text/image search and additional cases is cross-referenced to specific chapters in the text for easy access to critical information.
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Practical Neuroangiography

Practical Neuroangiography

ISBN/ISSN: 9781451144154
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