This 2nd edition of Orbital Surgery is actually three books in one. It’s an overview on orbital diseases, an anatomical atlas, and a surgical atlas. Using a conceptual model, along with more than 800 photographic and hand-drawn illustrations this book provides the reader with a clear description of the factors to consider when deciding on the proper approach to lesions anywhere in and surrounding the orbit. There’s also an online site with full text and image bank. Illustrations by Bruce Stewart. FEATURES: • Offers a philosophy of approach to the surgical management of diseases of the orbit • Over 800 illustrations, 600 of which are in full-color • On-line component includes full text and image bank. • Takes a decision-making approach to approaching orbital lesions
Product Format
Hardcover Book
Trim Size
8.375 x 10.875
Publication Date
November 18, 2013
Jack Rootman MD, FRCS(C), Diplomate AA
Professor, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences and Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
FEATURES: • Offers a philosophy of approach to the surgical management of diseases of the orbit • Over 800 illustrations, 600 of which are in full-color • On-line component includes full text and image bank • Takes a decision-making approach to approaching orbital lesions
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