Thoroughly updated for its Second Edition, this manual is ideal for residents in training, especially those junior residents learning how to perform procedures and facing the first months of call. The manual encapsulates the core information needed for conducting clinical examinations and determining which imaging examination is appropriate for the large variety of problems that can occur on call.
Coverage of each clinical problem includes indications for testing, protocol for test, possible findings, and clues to diagnosis. Suggested readings are also included. This edition covers more procedures and includes more information on drug/contrast media interactions.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
5.25 x 8.375
Lippincott Manual Series
Publication Date
November 19, 2007
John Eng MD
Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD
Clifford Weiss MD
Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD
HEAD AND SPINE Trauma : Traumatic Brain Injury / Skull Fractures / Traumatic Facial Injury / Orbital Fractures / Cervical Spine Trauma / Thoracolumbar Spine Trauma / Soft Tissue Injury of the Neck Infection : Intracranial Infections / Orbital and Periorbital Infections / Head and Neck Infections Cerebrovascular : Stroke / Subarachnoid Hemorrhage / Intracranial Venous Thrombosis Miscellaneous Topics : Hydrocephalus / Brain Herniation / Spinal Cord Compression / Headache
CHEST : Stridor and Wheezing / Foreign Body Aspiration / Pulmonary Embolism / Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection / Thoracic Aortic Injury / Myocardial Ischemia and Infarction
PROCEDURES : Aortogram, Thoracic / Arteriography Primer / Arthrogram, Hip / Arthrogram, Shoulder / Barium Enema, Double Contrast / Barium Enema, Single Contrast / Breast, Needle Localization / Enteroclysis and Cantor Tube Placement / Intussusception Reduction / Nephrostomy / Small Bowel Series and Other GI Studies / Spinal Puncture and Myelography / Swallowing Study / Upper GI, Double Contrast / Upper GI, Pediatric / Upper GI, Single Contrast / Urethrogram, Retrograde / Voiding Cystourethrogram (VCUG)
REFERENCES : Accessory Ossicles / Atelectasis / Bones of the Wrist, Elbow, Foot / Bowel Prep and Oral Contrast / Cerebral Vascular Territories / Dermatomes / Dosimetry / Epiphyseal Ossification Centers / Epiphyseal Fractures / Fleischner Society Criteria / MR Signal Characteristics / Myelination Patterns / Vascular Anatomy / Radionuclides / IV Contrast / OB Ultrasound / Carotid Ultrasound / Abdominal Duplex Ultrasound / Modified PIOPED Criteria / Disk Nomenclature / Gadolinium Recommendations / Coronary Anatomy / Vesicoureteral Reflux Grading / Pediatric Ultrasound Normal Values
--Highly formatted guide to ordering imaging studies: indications for testing, protocol for test, possible findings, and clues to diagnosis. Includes suggested readings. --This edition covers more procedures. --This edition includes more information on drug/contrast media interactions.
USD $79.99
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