Prepared by the residents and faculties of the renowned Massachusetts General Hospital and McLean Hospital, this pocket handbook is packed with succinct, practical, accessible information on the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders. Major sections include psychiatric emergencies, symptom-based diagnosis and treatment, special populations, and treatment approaches including psychopharmacology. The book is written in a quick-scanning outline format with boxes, tables, and lists to provide high-yield information at a glance.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
4.25 x 7.125
Publication Date
June 3, 2009
Massachusetts General Hospital and McLean Hospital Residents and Faculties
--Massachusetts General Hospital and McLean are powerful 'brand' names. The Massachusetts General Hospital psychiatry department is consistently rated the very best in the U.S., while McLean Hospital is one of the top inpatient psychiatric hospitals, where a number of notable writers and artists have been treated over the years. --Quick-access outline format, with boxes, tables, and lists
Massachusetts General Hospital/McLean Hospital Residency Handbook of Psychiatry
ISBN/ISSN: 9780781795043
USD $79.99 Quantity :
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