Perfect for students and patients, this easy-to-understand chart covering Prenatal Development provides a visual overview of prenatal development from fertilization ...
Perfect for students and patients, this easy-to-understand chart covering Prenatal Development provides a visual overview of prenatal development from fertilization through the third trimester of development. The chart shows and describes the fertilization and implantation process; provides illustrations of the developing embryo and fetus for each period of time; lists average length (in inches and centimeters) during those time periods; and notes some key milestones such as when the baby begins kicking and when women begin to "show." This chart also graphically represents time periods of sensitivity for major and minor birth defects for the central nervous system and key organs and structures. At the bottom of the chart you will find a key message in regard to the importance of the mother's health to the baby's health, counseling expectant mothers to eat health foods, take folic acid, exercise wisely, and stay away from harmful substances. Made in USA Available in the following versions:
20" x 26" heavy weight paper laminated with grommets at top corners ISBN 9780781782272
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