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Cardiovascular MR Imaging

Physical Principles to Practical Protocols
Publication Date:
December 14, 2005
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This text equips radiologists with a firm working knowledge of the physical principles underlying cardiovascular MR image generation. Emphasis is ...
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  • This text equips radiologists with a firm working knowledge of the physical principles underlying cardiovascular MR image generation. Emphasis is on practical applications of MR physics in customizing and optimizing imaging sequences and protocols and minimizing artifacts.

    Section I covers basic principles of MR physics and includes a chapter on safety. Section II applies these principles to vascular imaging, including gadolinium-enhanced MR angiography. Section III examines various techniques and applications of cardiac MR imaging.

    Each chapter includes boxed Key Concepts, Challenging Questions, and Review Questions, and many chapters include sample protocols. More than 400 drawings and scans complement the text.
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Trim Size
    8.5 x 11
    Publication Date
    December 14, 2005
  • Vivian S. Lee MD, PhD
    Professor, Departments of Radiology, Physiology, and Neuroscience, Vice Chair of Research, Department of Radiology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY
  • Abbreviations and Symbols


    Overview of MRI and Basic Principles

    RF Excitation and Signal Generation

    Tissue Characteristics and Contrast Agents: PD, T1, and T2


    Spatial Localization and Introduction to k-space


    More k-space: The Relationship between k-space and the Image

    Fast Scanning and k-space Shortcuts

    Selectively Saturating, NUL>
    Safety and Cardiovascular MRI



    Time-of-Flight MR Angiography

    Phase Contrast MRI: Flow Quantification and MR Angiography

    Gadolinium-enhanced MR Angiography


    ECG Gating

    Cardiac Imaging Planes

    Black Blood Imaging

    Cine Gradient Echo Imaging

    Tissue Characterization in the Heart

    Phase Contrast Flow Quantification in the Heart

    Ischemic Cardiac Disease

    Coronary Artery Imaging

    Glossary of Terms
  • --Gives radiologists a firm working knowledge of the physics underlying cardiovascular MR image generation
    --Emphasizes practical applications of MR physics in optimizing imaging protocols and minimizing artifacts
    --Sections review basic principles of MR physics and then apply these principles to vascular and cardiac MR imaging
    --Challenging Questions and Review Questions in each chapter encourage the reader to apply the material
    --Many chapters include sample protocols that readers can implement in practice
    --Key take-home concepts are highlighted in boxes
    --More than 400 drawings and scans complement the text
    --Background Reading sections help readers review essential math and physics
    --A Glossary of Terms is included at the end of the book
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Cardiovascular MR Imaging

Cardiovascular MR Imaging

ISBN/ISSN: 9780781779968
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