Home / Medicine / Migraines and Headaches Anatomical Chart

Migraines and Headaches Anatomical Chart

Edition: 2
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Developed and revised in conjunction with the Diamond Headache Clinic, a premier headache and migraine health care facility, this new ...
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  • Developed and revised in conjunction with the Diamond Headache Clinic, a premier headache and migraine health care facility, this new edition of our Migraines and Headache chart is simplified, updated with more information on central sensitization, and includes a headache treatment guide.
    The chart describes and illustrates the three main types of primary headaches—migraine, cluster, and tension-type—and illustrates the steps in the pathway of a migraine attack, from the start deep within the brain to the pain of peripheral and central sensitization. Information on secondary (organic) headaches is also included.
    The chart lists healthy lifestyle strategies to avoid headaches, and includes a headache diagnostic guide—a table that provides a quick way to map types of headaches to their various features such as frequency, pain area, and symptoms. Also included is a headache treatment guide that matches common medication and non-drug treatments to the three main types of primary
    made in USA
    Available in the following versions
    • 20" x 26" heavy paper laminated with grommets at top corners ISBN 9780781776608
    • 20" x 26" heavy paper ISBN 9780781776592
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Trim Size
    20 x 26
  • Anatomical Chart Company
$ 15.99 USD $15.99

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Migraines and Headaches Anatomical Chart

Migraines and Headaches Anatomical Chart

ISBN/ISSN: 9780781776592
USD $15.99 Quantity:
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