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Principles of Inpatient Psychiatry

Publication Date:
November 6, 2008
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Principles of Inpatient Psychiatry is geared to psychiatrists working in inpatient settings: residents, psychiatrists who occasionally provide inpatient care, and ...
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  • Principles of Inpatient Psychiatry is geared to psychiatrists working in inpatient settings: residents, psychiatrists who occasionally provide inpatient care, and psychiatric 'hospitalists' who specialize in the inpatient arena. Inpatient settings contain the sickest psychiatric patients, such as those with a high risk of suicide, agitation requiring emergency management, or treatment-resistant psychosis and depression, all topics discussed in the book. Co-morbid general-medical illness is common, and the book focuses attention, supported by case examples, on medical and neuropsychiatric as well as general-psychiatric evaluation and management.

    Chapters address special clinical problems, including first-episode psychosis, substance abuse, eating disorders, and legal issues on the inpatient service. The editors bring expertise to bear on a wide range of treatments, including psychopharmacologic, psychodynamic, and milieu approaches.
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Trim Size
    7 x 10
    Publication Date
    November 6, 2008
  • Fred Ovsiew MD
    Professor of Psychiatry, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; Fellow and President, American Neuropsychiatric Association; Diplomate in Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychiatry, United Council for Neurological Subspecialties
    Richard L. Munich MD
    Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Weill-Cornell Medical School; Training and Supervising Analyst, Columbia Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research, New York, NY

    The Ins and Outs of 200 Years of Psychiatric Hospitals in the USA
    Jeffrey L. Geller, Sarah Guzofski, and Margo Lauterbach

    Psychosocial Approach to the Psychiatric Inpatient
    Richard Munich

    Pharmacological Approach to the Psychiatric Inpatient
    Arash Ansari, David N. Osser, Leonard S. Lai, Paul M. Schoenfeld, and Kenneth C. Potts

    General-Medical Evaluation and Management of the Psychiatric Inpatient
    Fred Ovsiew and David Lovinger

    Neuropsychiatric Approach to the Psychiatric Inpatient
    Fred Ovsiew

    Psychiatric Administration
    L. Mark Russakoff

    Legal Issues in Inpatient Psychiatry
    Gabor Vari, Mace Beckson, and Robert Weinstock

    Psychiatric Education on the Inpatient Unit
    Cynthia A. Pristach and Subhdeep Virk


    Hospital Treatment of Depression and Mania
    Stan D. Arkow, Susan Turner, and David A. Kahn

    Electroconvulsive Therapy
    Walter Knysz, III, and C. Edward Coffey

    Inpatient Evaluation and Management of First-Episode Psychosis
    Richard Fraser, Peter Burnett, and Patrick McGorry

    Inpatient Agitation and Aggression
    Eila Sailas, Alice Keski-Valkama, and Kristian Wahlbeck

    Recurrently Readmitted Inpatient Psychiatric Patients: Characteristics and Care
    William H. Sledge and Christine L. Dunn

    The Patient with Borderline Personality Disorder
    Anthony W. Bateman

    Evaluation and Management of Substance Use Disorders on the Inpatient Psychiatric Unit
    Christine Yuodelis-Flores, Murray Bennett, Jason Veitengruber, and Richard Ries

    The Elderly Psychiatric Inpatient
    Vassilios Latoussakis, Sibel Klimstra, Dimitris N. Kiosses, Balkrishna Kalayam, and George S. Alexopoulos

    The Brain-Injured or Developmentally Disabled Psychiatric Inpatient
    David Arciniegas

    The Medically Ill or Pregnant Psychiatric Inpatient
    James J. Amos

    Inpatient Treatment of Eating Disorders
    Wayne A. Bowers, Arnold Andersen, and Kay Evans

    The Child or Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatient
    Flynn O'Malley and Norma V.L. Clarke
  • --Case examples
    --Clinical focus--no science, epidemiology, etc.
    --Coverage of psychopharmacology and psychotherapy
    --Psychodynamic/psychoanalytic treatments
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Principles of Inpatient Psychiatry

Principles of Inpatient Psychiatry

ISBN/ISSN: 9780781772143
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