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Chiropractic Theories

A Textbook of Scientific Research
Edition: 4
Publication Date:
November 13, 2003
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Designed to be a primary reference for chiropractic students, this is a concise, scientific survey of chiropractic theories based on ...
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  • Designed to be a primary reference for chiropractic students, this is a concise, scientific survey of chiropractic theories based on current research. Completely restructured for the Fourth Edition, this book focuses on the most current biomedical research on the three phase model of vertebral subluxation complex (V.S.C.). This is a useful reference for students studying for the National Board of Chiropractors Examination Parts II, III, and IV, as well as a post-graduate reference providing information on the chiropractic perspective on health and wellness, nutrition, exercise, psychosocial issues, and case management principles for wellness care. This new text focuses on developing critical thinking among chiropractic students, and includes new contributors and new chapters on principles of statistics and a minimum process for validation of chiropractic theory.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Trim Size
    8 1/2 x 11
    Publication Date
    November 13, 2003
  • Robert A. Leach DC, FICC
    Postgraduate Faculty, National University of Health Sciences, Starkville, MS
  • --Official reference for the test question writers for the NBCE parts II, III and IV
    --Entire chapter devoted to clinical outcomes research of chiropractic procedures and manipulation
    --Improved quality and quantity of charts and graphs
    --Incorporation of the Mercy guidelines
    --Writing style is more user friendly for students preparing for the National Boards
    --Seven new chapters help to make the text a more useful reference for students studying for the National Board of Chiropractors Examination
    --Chapter 15 includes information on the chiropractic perspective on health and wellness, nutrition, exercise, psychosocial issues, and case management principles for wellness care
    --Chapter objectives, key words and concepts, discussion sections, and chapter summaries
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Chiropractic Theories

Chiropractic Theories

ISBN/ISSN: 9780683307474
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