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Current Opinion in Epidemiology and Public Health

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Publication Frequency:
Published 4 times per year (Quarterly)
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  • ​Current Opinion in Epidemiology and Public Health is a newly launched literature review journal offering insightful editorials and on-the-mark invited reviews. The journal covers key area of global health medicine and meets the need for exploratory and multidisciplinary research. The Journal is for those with an interest in epidemiology and public health and improving the health of communities worldwide. Specifically, those working in the areas of lifestyle, social and environmental epidemiology, and genetic and molecular epidemiology, with emphasis on the science of preventing disease, prolonging life, and improving the health of entire populations through disease and injury prevention, and responses to disease occurrences and health threats in populations.

    Published quarterly, each issue of Current Opinion in Epidemiology and Public Health introduces world renowned guest editors and internationally recognized academics within the epidemiology and public health field, delivering a widespread selection of expert assessments on the latest developments from the most recent literature.

    Product Format
    Online Journal Only
    Publication Frequency
    Published 4 times per year (Quarterly)
  • Paolo Boffetta
    Hanan Khalil
  • 4 Issues / 12 months ($4.00/issue)
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  • 8 Issues / 24 months (/issue)
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  • 12 Issues / 36 months (/issue)
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Current Opinion in Epidemiology and Public Health

Current Opinion in Epidemiology and Public Health

ISBN/ISSN: 2766-9181
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