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Journal of Christian Nursing Online
Official Journal of the Nurses Christian Fellowship (NCF), a ministry of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA
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Institutional subscriptions are print only and do not include online access. For online access, please contact Ovid.
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*Institutional subscriptions are Print only and do not include online access. For online access, please contact Ovid.
TheJournal of Christian Nursing (JCN), a publication of the Nurses Christian Fellowship, is a peer-reviewed, quarterly, professional journal helping nurses integrate issues of faith with nursing practice and sustain excellence in nursing care since 1984. Topics covered include current issues and trends, spiritual care, ethics, values, healing and wholeness, parish nursing, missionary nursing, nursing education, personal and professional life, patient/client experiences that promote excellence in nursing or include a faith dimension (including case studies), and health care for the poor and undeserved. JCN also contains Continuing education offerings in print and online in every issue. An individual subscription includes 4 print issues, full-text online access to all current and back issues. Visit the journal online at
Product Format
Online Journal Only
Publication Frequency
Published 4 times per year (Quarterly)
Publication Date
January 1, 2021
Kathy Schoonover-Shoffner PhD, RN
--Official Journal of the Nurses Christian Fellowship (NCF) --Explores topics including current issues/trends, spiritual care, ethics, personal and professional growth, parish nursing --Articles offer a perspective that is both professional and Christian --Written by nurses for nurses. Respected nurse experts write with the clinical practitioner in mind. --Helps nurses and nursing students practice nursing from a biblically-based, Christian perspective --Online access to current and past full-text articles. --Peer-reviewed
4 Issues / 12 months
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8 Issues / 24 months
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12 Issues / 36 months
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