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Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! Online
Price Type:
Institutional subscriptions are print only and do not include online access. For online access, please contact Ovid.
Member pricing is for AAN members only. To become an AAN member, visit or call 800-361-0633 (outside North America call 301-223-2300).
*Institutional subscriptions are Print only and do not include online access. For online access, please contact Ovid.
The Nursing made Incredibly Easy! journal is based on Lippincott Williams & Wilkins' popular and successful Incredibly Easy! book series for nurses. The mission of this peer-reviewed journal is to meet the ongoing educational needs of nurses through the publication of information that presents challenging clinical concepts in a refreshingly original, easily understood format that engages nurses and gives them confidence. In short: Simpler language, smarter learning. Articles are contributed by experienced clinicians, ensuring that content is evidence-based. At least two continuing-education articles are offered in each issue. For more information, visit
Product Format
Online Journal Only
Publication Frequency
Published 6 times per year (Bimonthly)
Incredibly Easy! Series®
Lisa Lockhart MHA, MSN, RN, NE-BC
--Multiple continuing-education features are offered in each issue. --Articles are designed to make the nurse's life easier by explaining challenging clinical concepts in a refreshingly original, easily understood way. --Cheat sheets, memory joggers, and humor sprinkled throughout make learning more fun and effective, keeping ideas clear and fresh in the nurse's mind. --Detailed, full-color clinical artwork illustrates the most difficult concepts and reinforces what the nurse has learned. --Articles are written by experienced nurses, ensuring that content is based on sound clinical principles and hands-on expertise. --A broad variety of departments cover key areas of nursing practice. --A one-page editorial at the front of each issue. --The On the Horizon department presents the reader with current trends, issues, and challenges being faced by nurses.
6 Issues / 12 months
Auto Renew Subscription Annually
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12 Issues / 24 months
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18 Issues / 36 months
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