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Journal of Patient Safety Online

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Publication Frequency:
Published 8 times per year
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  • Journal of Patient Safety is dedicated to presenting research advances and field applications in every area of patient safety. WhileJournal of Patient Safety has a research emphasis, it also publishes articles describing near-miss opportunities, system modifications that are barriers to error, and the impact of regulatory changes on healthcare delivery. This mix of research and real-world findings makes Journal of Patient Safety a valuable resource across the breadth of health professions and from bench to bedside.
    Product Format
    Online Journal Only
    Publication Frequency
    Published 8 times per year
  • David Westfall Bates MD
  • --Original, peer-reviewed articles
    --Basic, clinical, and translational research findings
    --Best practices reports
    --Care/error analyses
    --Updates on legislative and regulatory issues
    --Patient Education pages
  • 8 Issues / 12 months ($8.00/issue)
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  • 16 Issues / 24 months (/issue)
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Journal of Patient Safety Online

Journal of Patient Safety Online

ISBN/ISSN: 1549-8425
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