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International Journal of Gynecological Pathology Online
Official Journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists
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The International Journal of Gynecological Pathology (IJGP) provides complete and timely coverage of advances in the understanding and management of gynecological disease. Emphasis is placed on investigations in the field of anatomic pathology, with articles devoted to experimental or animal pathology clearly relevant to an understanding of human disease. Also covered are pathological and clinicopathological studies and individual case reports that offer new insights. An individual subscription includes 6 print issues, full-text online access to all current and back issues. Visit the journal online at www.intjgynpathology.com.
Product Format
Online Journal Only
Publication Frequency
Published 6 times per year (Bimonthly)
Lora Hedrick Ellenson M.D.
--Topical article collections --Peer-reviewed papers --Review articles --Case reports and progress reports --Historical essays --Book reviews --Society minutes --Now featuring more full-color figures. Free color for authors. -- Website: www.intjgynpathology.com
6 Issues / 12 months
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12 Issues / 24 months
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18 Issues / 36 months
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International Journal of Gynecological Pathology Online
ISBN/ISSN: 1538-7151
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