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Frontiers of Health Services Management

Publication of the American College of Healthcare Executives
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Publication Frequency:
Published 4 times per year (Quarterly)
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  • Disaster preparedness. The future of health professions. Workforce shortages. Alternative medicine. You want to understand the latest trends, but you don't always have time for books. Magazines don't give you quite enough information. Keeping up doesn't have to be difficult.

    Frontiers can bring you up to speed quickly. Frontiers' unique "bookazine" format gives you the deep understanding gained from books but in a shorter format, like a magazine. Each issue focuses on one healthcare management topic, providing you with the knowledge you need to understand and react to evolving trends. Frontiers is written by experts on the topic and includes commentary from the field. Sometimes these experts agree, and sometimes their comments spark a lively debate. These differing viewpoints will help you better understand the "big picture" and the implications for your organization.

    Frontiers of Health Services Management is a publication of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE).

    Members of the American College of Healthcare Executives receive online access to both the Journal of Healthcare Management and Frontiers of Health Services Management , as well as their choice of journal(s) in print as a benefit of membership. Members should log in to ACHE.org for instant online access. Not a member of ACHE, join today!
    Product Format
    Print Journal + Online Access
    Publication Frequency
    Published 4 times per year (Quarterly)
  • J. Sampson Carla PhD, FACHE
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Frontiers of Health Services Management

Frontiers of Health Services Management

ISBN/ISSN: 0748-8157
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