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Official Journal of The Transplantation Society
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  • The most cited and influential journal in the field (with over 24,000 citations a year), Transplantation® provides extensive coverage of the most important advances in transplantation. Using an electronic online submission and peer review tracking system, Transplantation® is committed to rapid review and publication. The journal remains competitive with a time to first decision of fewer than 21 days.
    The journal covers areas including:
    • Cell therapy and islet transplantation
    • Clinical transplantation
    • Experimental transplantation
    • Immunobiology and genomics
    • Xenotransplantation

    Expert researchers and clinicians from around the world contribute original research articles in original clinical science and original basic science. Overviews and brief reports bring attention to research at the forefront of the field; Issues also contain special features, such as interviews of people in transplantation, around the world regional reports, eResources, game changer articles that review cutting edge or seminal works, and research highlights.
    An individual subscription includes 12 print issues and full-text online access to all current and back issues.
    Visit the journal online at www.transplantjournal.com.
    Product Format
    Print Journal + Online Access
    Publication Frequency
    Published 12 times per year (Monthly)
  • Jeremy R. Chapman AC, MD, FRCP, FRACP
    Jonathan S. Bromberg MD, PhD
    Carla C. Baan PhD
    Edward K. Geissler PhD
    Stefan G. Tullius MD, PhD
    Jean Emond MD
    Bruce Kaplan MD
    • Most highly cited journal in Transplantation (JCR)
    • One of the top journals in the fields of Transplantation, Surgery and Immunology (JCR)
    • Committed to rapid review and publication
    • Original, peer-reviewed research articles
    • In-depth coverage of the most important topics
  • 12 Issues / 12 months ($12.00/issue)
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  • 24 Issues / 24 months (/issue)
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  • 36 Issues / 36 months (/issue)
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ISBN/ISSN: 0041-1337
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