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Artificial Intelligence for Improved Patient Outcomes

Principles for Moving Forward with Rigorous Science
Edition: 1
Publication Date:
December 16, 2022
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Principles for Moving Forward with Rigorous Science
  • Principles for Moving Forward with Rigorous Science
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    December 16, 2022
  • Contents
    Preface vii
    Acknowledgments ix
    About the Author xiii
    PART I: The Big Picture 1
    CHAPTER I Overview—How Artificial Intelligence Will
    Improve Health 3
    CHAPTER 2 Randomization—The “Secret Sauce” 19
    CHAPTER 3 Evaluation—The Facts Matter. Pseudo- Innovation vs
    Real Innovation 37
    CHAPTER 4 Synergy—Building a Successful Clinician- Computer
    Collaboration 73
    CHAPTER 5 Fairness—Addressing the Ethical, Regulatory,
    and Privacy Issues 87
    PART II: The Mechanics 99
    CHAPTER 6 Modeling—An Overview of Predictive Modeling,
    Neural Networks, and Deep Learning 101
    CHAPTER 7 EHRs—Exporting, Cleaning, Managing Datasets,
    and Integrating Models into the Electronic Health
    Record 121
    PART III: The Implementation 135
    CHAPTER 8 R esistance—Understanding and Overcoming the
    Resistance to AI, Randomization, and Change 137
    CHAPTER 9 Execution—Increasing the Odds of Future Success 147
    CHAPTER 10 Integration—Building a Learning Health Care
    System With Pragmatic AI Trials 157
    CHAPTER 11 Streamlining—Reducing Waste and Lowering
    Costs in Health Care 165PART IV: The Specific Applications 171
    CHAPTER 12 Complications—Predicting and Preventing
    Hospital Complications 173
    CHAPTER 13 Prevention—Identifying Diseases With Predictive
    Models 183
    CHAPTER 14 Precision Medicine—AI to Improve Health
    Screenings and Treatments 189
    CHAPTER 15 Drugs and Devices—Using AI to Improve
    Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Development
    and Applications 197
    CHAPTER 16 Medical Literature—AI and Information Overload 203
    CHAPTER 17 Imaging—Medical Imaging and Strategies for
    Assessing Patient Impact 213
    CHAPTER 18 Pandemics—Using AI Tools to Improve Health
    Outcomes in a Pandemic 221
    PART V: The Future 229
    CHAPTER 19 Careers—How to Build a Career Around AI in
    Medicine by Turning This Playbook Into a Reality 231
    Index 249
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Artificial Intelligence for Improved Patient Outcomes

Artificial Intelligence for Improved Patient Outcomes

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975197957
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