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Schaechter's Mechanisms of Microbial Disease

Edition: 6
Publication Date:
December 10, 2021
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Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023! Known for generations as the most comprehensive foundational text on ...
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  • Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023!

    Known for generations as the most comprehensive foundational text on medical microbiology, Schaechter's Mechanisms of Microbial Disease delivers a thorough understanding of microbial agents and the pathophysiology of microbial diseases. This trusted text is universally praised for "telling the story of a pathogen" in an engaging way, facilitating learning and recall by emphasizing unifying principles and paradigms. Content is uniquely organized by microbial class and by organ system, making it equally at home in traditional and systems-based curricula.
    This updated 6th Edition reflects the latest advances in the field, including significant enhancements to the coverage of serious threats to global health such as COVID-19, respiratory and childhood viruses, and sexually transmitted diseases. New illustrations and additional learning features further clarify concepts, reinforce understanding, and help users confidently prepare for board exams and beyond.
    • Abundant full-color images clarify microbial concepts, structures, and processes in vivid detail.
    • New Subject Review Tables broaden students’ understanding of chapter content with additional context and detail.
    • Paradigm boxes reinforce general principles through key examples.
    • Case Studies with problem-solving questions, questions provide insight into clinical applications of microbiology, challenge students to apply what they’ve learned to common clinical scenarios.
    • Key Concepts keep students focused on essential information.
    • Suggested Readings guide students to relevant field research.
    • Bolded Terms familiarize students with new or challenging terms. 
    • New content related to the COVID-19 pandemic concerning the virology, clinical features, treatment, and prevention of coronaviruses added to several relevant chapters prepares students for the clinical challenges ahead. 
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Publication Date
    December 10, 2021
  • N. Cary Engleberg MD
    Victor DiRita PhD
    University of Michigan School of Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI
    Michael Imperiale Ph.D
  • Contributors v
    Pr eface x
    Acknowledgments xii
    Figur e Cr edits xiii
    1 Establishment of Infection 3
    Barry I. Eisenstein and Moselio Schaechter
    2 The Nor mal Micr obiota 11
    V incent B. Y oung
    3 Biology of Infectious Agents 18
    Moselio Schaechter
    4 Genetic Appr oaches to Studying Bacterial
    Pathogenesis 38
    Peggy A. Cotter and Victor J. DiRita
    5 Biological Basis for Antibacterial Action 50
    N. Cary Engleberg and Victor J. DiRita
    6 Innate Immunity 61
    Roman Dziarski
    7 Adaptive Immunity 87
    Marcela F. Pasetti and Jose M. Lemme-Dumit
    8 The Parasite’s W ay of Life 113
    V ictor J. DiRita
    9 Damage by Micr obial T oxins 123
    Joseph T . Barbieri
    10 Intr oduction to the Pathogenic Bacteria 137
    V ictor J. DiRita
    11 Staphylococci: Abscesses and T oxin-Mediated
    Diseases 143
    Patrick M. Schlievert and Marnie L. Peterson
    12 Streptococci and Enterococci: “Strep Throat” and
    Beyond 154
    Kevin S. McIver
    13 Pneumococcus and Bacterial Pneumonia 163
    Suzanne R. Dawid and Jeffrey N. Weiser
    14 Neisseriae : Gonococcus and Meningococcus 172
    Ann E. Jerse and Victor J. DiRita
    15 Bacter oides and Abscesses 182
    Juliane Bubeck W ar denbur g
    16 Enteric Bacteria: Secr etory Diarr hea 188
    V ictor J. DiRita
    17 Invasive and Tissue-Damaging Enteric Bacterial
    Pathogens: Bloody Diarrhea and Dysentery 197
    Beth A. McCormick and Victor J. DiRita
    18 Pseudomonas aeruginosa : A Ubiquitous
    Opportunist 211
    19 Bordetella and Whooping Cough 220
    Victor J. DiRita and Peggy A. Cotter
    20 Clostridia: Diarrheal Disease, Tissue Infection,
    Botulism, and Tetanus 227
    Stephen B. Melville
    21 Legionella : Parasite of Amoebae and
    Macr ophages 233
    Michele S. Swanson
    22 Helicobacter pylori : Persistent With a Potential for
    Menace 240
    Jennifer M. Noto and Richard M. Peek Jr.
    23 Mycobacteria: T uber culosis and Lepr osy 248
    Christina T. Fiske and David W. Haas
    24 Syphilis: The Gr eat Imitator 259
    Noah Robbins
    25 Borrelia burgdorferi and L yme Disease 265
    Yi-Pin Lin and Klemen Strle
    26 Bartonella Infections: Catscratch Disease, Bacillary
    Angiomatosis, and Other Diseases 276
    T ejal N. Gandhi
    27 Chlamydiae: Genital, Ocular, and Respiratory
    Pathogens 281
    Breanna J. Turman and Toni Darville
    28 Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Other
    Rickettsioses 289
    David H. W alker
    29 Mycoplasma : Curiosity and Pathogen 296
    Joel B. Baseman and Ken B. Waites
    30 Strategies to Combat Bacterial Infections 302
    N. Cary Engleber g
    31 Biology of V iruses 317
    Terence S. Dermody and Jeffrey M. Bergelson
    32 Viral Infections and Exanthems of Early
    Childhood 333
    John V . W illiams
    33 In? uenza and Its V iruses 343
    Raffael Nachbagauer and Peter Palese
    34 Rhinoviruses, Adenoviruses, Cor onaviruses:
    The Common Cold and Beyond 351
    Jason B. W einber g
    35 Viral Agents of the GI Tract 362
    Robert L. Atmar and Mary K. Estes
    36 V iral Hepatitis 371
    Andr ew W . T ai
    37 Rabies 382
    Brett W. Petersen and Charles E. Rupprecht
    38 Arthr opod-Bor ne V iruses 389
    Diane E. Grif? n
    39 Human Papillomaviruses and W arts 397
    Elliot J. Andr ophy
    Contents 40 Alphaherpesviruses: Herpes Simplex Viruses
    and Varicella-Zoster Virus 405
    Neal A. DeLuca and Paul R. Kinchington
    41 Beta- and Gammaherpesviruses: Cytomegalovirus
    and Epstein-Barr Virus 414
    W illiam J. Britt
    42 The Human Retroviruses: AIDS and Other Diseases 426
    Mark M. Painter and Kathleen L. Collins
    43 Antiviral T r eatment Strategies 439
    Claudette Poole and David W. Kimberlin
    44 Vaccines and Antisera for the Prevention and Treatment
    of Infectious Diseases 451
    Natasha B. Halasa and H. Keipp Talbot
    45 Introduction to the Fungi and Mycoses 459
    Car ol A. Kauf fman
    46 Endemic Mycoses 463
    Car ol A. Kauf fman
    47 Opportunistic Fungal Infections 470
    Car ol A. Kauf fman
    48 Subcutaneous, Cutaneous, and Super? cial Mycoses 478
    Car ol A. Kauf fman
    49 Antifungal Agents 483
    Car ol A. Kauf fman
    50 Intr oduction to Parasitology 488
    N. Cary Engleber g
    51 Blood and T issue Pr otozoa 497
    N. Cary Engleber g
    52 Intestinal and V aginal Pr otozoa 512
    N. Cary Engleber g
    53 Intestinal Helminths 521
    N. Cary Engleber g
    54 T issue and Blood Helminths 531
    N. Cary Engleber g
    55 Prion Diseases 544
    C. Alan Anderson and Kenneth L. Tyler
    56 Surveillance for and Response to the Emergence of
    Thr eatening Pathogens 551
    Sandro K. Cinti and Laura Power
    57 Diagnostic Principles 567
    N. Cary Engleber g
    58 Principles of Epidemiology 579
    Thao P. Tran and Christian B. Ramers
    59 Digestive System Infections 587
    F. Matthew Kuhlmann and James M. Fleckenstein
    60 Infections of the Central Nervous System 603
    Roberta L. DeBiasi and Kenneth L. Tyler
    61 Respiratory System Infections 619
    Emily A. Abdoler
    62 Urinary T ract Infections 632
    Lindsay A. Petty
    63 Infections of the Skin and Soft Tissue 642
    Dennis L. Stevens
    64 Infections of the Bones, Joints, and Muscles 653
    N. Cary Engleber g
    65 Sepsis 662
    Suzanne F . Bradley
    66 Intravascular Infection 671
    Emil L. Fosbøl, Adolf W. Karchmer, and Niels E. Bruun
    67 Head and Neck Infections 683
    Preeti N. Malani and Mark A. Zacharek
    68 Sexually T ransmitted Diseases 690
    Noah Robbins
    69 Infections of the Immunocompr omised Patient 697
    Emily A. Abdoler
    70 Acquir ed Immunode? ciency Syndr ome 703
    Jane A. O’Halloran and William G. Powderly
    71 Congenital and Perinatal Infections 715
    Roshni Mathew
    72 Zoonoses 722
    N. Cary Engleber g
    73 Fever: A Clinical Sign of Infection 732
    Suzanne F . Bradley
    74 Health Car e–Associated Infections 739
    Gabriela M. Andujar Vazquez, Shira Doron,
    and David R. Snydman
    75 Foodbor ne Diseases 746
    Adam C. Bortner and Christian B. Ramers
    Appendix 755
    Glossary 784
    Index 817
    • Abundant full-color images clarify microbial concepts, structures, and processes in vivid detail.
    • New Subject Review Tables broaden students’ understanding of chapter content with additional context and detail.
    • Paradigm boxes reinforce general principles through key examples.
    • Case Studies with problem-solving questions, questions provide insight into clinical applications of microbiology, challenge students to apply what they’ve learned to common clinical scenarios.
    • Key Concepts keep students focused on essential information.
    • Suggested Readings guide students to relevant field research.
    • Bolded Terms familiarize students with new or challenging terms. 
    • New content related to the COVID-19 pandemic concerning the virology, clinical features, treatment, and prevention of coronaviruses added to several relevant chapters prepares students for the clinical challenges ahead. 
    Digital features:
    • NEW! Board-style mini exams strengthen students’ preparation for board exams with 20-25 questions aligned to each major subsection in the text.
    • NEW! Topic links emphasize unifying principles and paradigms and allow students to easily navigate between microbial agents, diseases, and effects of diseases on different body systems for the most efficient study.
    • End-of-chapter review questions help students fully process important concepts.
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Schaechter's Mechanisms of Microbial Disease

Schaechter's Mechanisms of Microbial Disease

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