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Global Service-Learning in Nursing

Publication Date:
November 30, 2012
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Global Service-Learning in Nursingis a single source of information for nurse educators seeking to develop programs to teach best practices ...
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  • Global Service-Learning in Nursingis a single source of information for nurse educators seeking to develop programs to teach best practices of care-giving across cultural and geographic boundaries. Nurse educators from a wide range of institutions share their insights about the successes and challenges of program development, implementation, and evaluation.

    The global service-learning (GSL) model offers an excellent structure to enhance nurses’ participation in the global health care community. This book charts the course of accomplishments thus far, and challenges nurses to stretch even more.
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    6 x 9
    Publication Date
    November 30, 2012
  • Tamara McKinnon RN, MSN
    San Jose State University; Supervisor, California Childrens' Services Program, Santa Cruz Health Service Agency, Santa Cruz, CA
    Joyce Fitzpatrick
  • List of Tables

    List of Figures

    Virginia W. Adams, PhD, RN

    Joyce J. Fitzpatrick, PhD, MBA, RN, FAAN, FNAP


    Chapter 1: Core Principles for Developing Global Service-Learning Programs in Nursing
    Tamara H. McKinnon, MSN, RN
    Joyce J. Fitzpatrick, PhD, MBA, RN, FAAN, FNAP

    Chapter 2: A Theoretical Approach to Developing Global Service-Learning Partnerships
    Virginia W. Adams, PhD, RN

    Chapter 3: Developing and Sustaining a Global Service-Learning Program in Nursing: A Four-Step Approach
    Tamara H. McKinnon, MSN, RN
    Gerard M Fealy, Phd, Med, BNS, RGN, RPN, RNT

    Chapter 4: Home Institution Responsibilities and Best Practices
    Marilyn Blankenship Lotas, PhD, RN

    Chapter 5: Faculty-Administrator Partnership: Vital for Learning
    Anne R. Bavier, PhD, RN, FAAN
    E. Carol Polifroni, EdD, RN, NEA, CNE
    Kathryn Stewart Hegedus, DNSc, RN
    Karen R. Breitkreuz, EdD, MSN, RN, CNS

    Chapter 6: Host Institution Perspectives
    Lynda Law Wilson, PhD, RN, FAAN
    Dooren Harper, PhD, RN, FAAN

    Chapter 7: Home and Host: Building a Partnership
    Erin D. Maughan, PhD, RN
    Barbara A. Heise, PhD, RN, APRN
    Sheri Palmer, DNP, RN, CEN
    Mary Williams, PhD, RN
    Catherin R. Coverston, PhD, RN

    Chapter 8: Nursing Students as Program Partners
    Donna M. (Costello) Nickitas, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, CNE

    Chapter 9: Exemplars of Global Service-Learning in Nursing
    Cathleen M. Shultz, PhD, RN, CNE, FAAN
    Frieda Chavez, MHSc, RN
    Amanda M. Giordano, BSN, RN
    Jane Summer, PhD, RN, ARPN, BC

    Chapter 10: International Service-Learning in United States Schools of Nursing
    Tamara H. McKinnon, MSN, RN
    Angela M. McNelis, PhD, RN, ANEF

    Chapter 11: Global Health Resources
    Marina I. Olivieri
    Suzanne Samson, MDiv.,BS
    Dominique Teaford, BSN

    Appendix A: Author Profiles
  • Expert group of contributors bring their diverse experience, knowledge, and thought to broaden reader’s understanding.

    A comprehensive list of organizations, agencies, and consortia (with descriptions and links) that offer learning opportunities and organizational support for global-learning.

    Four examples of different programs or approaches to global-learning that give readers different perspectives on global service-learning in nursing.

    Discussion of four steps that can aid in developing and sustaining an effective global service-learning program in nursing education.
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Global Service-Learning in Nursing

Global Service-Learning in Nursing

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