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Child and Family Health Nursing in Australia and New Zealand with VST eBook

Edition: 2
Publication Date:
September 15, 2015
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Child and Family Health Nursing in Australia and New Zealand provides a complete learning experience for nursing and midwifery students. ...
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  • Child and Family Health Nursing in Australia and New Zealand provides a complete learning experience for
    nursing and midwifery students. Comprehensively reviewed in Australia and New Zealand, it introduces students to wellness and illness in child and family health as family-centred events within a nursing process framework, in a clear, reader-friendly style. It is based on a philosophy of nursing care that respects clients as individuals, while also viewing them as part of families and communities.

    • Comprehensive discussion of all facets of child and family health nursing
    • A sensitive, holistic outlook on nursing practice
    • A primary healthcare model that promotes wellness with individuals, families and communities
    • A strong focus on communication, therapeutic intervention, evidence-based practice and critical thinking
    • An emphasis on individualised, person-centred care, the perception of pregnancy and childbirth as periods
    of wellness, the importance of meeting the needs of a culturally diverse population and the value of a
    partnership between nurses and clients in the management of health and illness
    • Follows the family from the pregnancy period through labour, delivery and the postpartal period and then
    follows the child from birth through to adolescence
    • Designed for undergraduate students, as well as for practising nurses who are expanding their knowledge

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  • Edition
    Australia/New Zealand Edition, 2
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    276 x 213
    Publication Date
    September 15, 2015
  • Christine Haley RN, RM, BHSc, MPHC
  • Unit 1
    Child and family health nursing practice 1

    A framework for child and family health nursing 1
    Definitions 1
    Goals and standards of child and family health nursing 2
    Child and family health nursing standards 3
    A framework for child and family health nursing 5
    A changing discipline 7
    Advanced-practice roles for nurses in child and family health 13
    Legal considerations of maternal-child practice 14
    Ethical considerations of practice 14

    Sociocultural aspects of child and family health nursing 18
    Indigenous peoples 19
    Cultural safety in the New Zealand context 20
    Cultural safety in the Australian context 20
    Nursing considerations for respecting sociocultural aspects of care 20
    Sociocultural differences and implications for diversity
    in child and family health nursing 21
    Social determinants of health 23
    Sociocultural assessment 24

    The childbearing and childrearing family 31
    Promotion of family health 32
    The family 33
    Family functions and roles 35
    Assessment of family structure and function 43

    Promoting family health in the community 49
    Primary healthcare, a social model of health for families and communities 49
    The family as part of a community 50
    Community assessment 51
    Family health assessment 51
    The role of nurses in community and family health 52
    Promoting healthy families 54
    Community development and mobilisation 55
    Service provision to promote healthy families and communities 56

    Unit 2
    The nursing role in preparing families for childbearing and childrearing 59

    The nursing role in reproductive and sexual health 59
    Reproductive and sexual health promotion 60
    Education about menstruation 61
    Menopause 62
    Sexuality and sexual identity 62
    Human sexual response 64
    Disorders of sexual functioning 67

    Assisting the family with contraception planning 70
    Contraceptive planning 70
    Methods of contraception 71
    Elective termination of pregnancy (induced abortion) 82

    The nursing role in genetic assessment and counselling 85
    Genetic assessment and counselling 85
    Genetic disorders 86
    Genetic counselling 87
    Common chromosomal disorders resulting in physical or
    cognitive developmental disorders 93

    Nursing care of the infertile couple 97
    For the couple with infertility 97
    Infertility 98
    Fertility assessment 101
    Infertility management 104
    Alternatives to childbirth 108

    U nit3
    Caring for families during normal pregnancy, birth, the postpartum
    and newborn period 111
    The growing fetus 111
    To help ensure fetal health 112
    Stages of fetal development 112
    Embryonic and fetal structures 114
    Origin and development of organ systems 117
    Milestones of fetal growth and development 121
    Determination of estimated birth date 123
    Assessment of fetal growth and development 123

    CHAPTER 10
    Psychological and physiological changes of pregnancy 127
    Healthy adaptation to pregnancy 128
    Psychological changes of pregnancy 128
    Psychological tasks of pregnancy 130
    Diagnosis of pregnancy 136
    Physiological changes of pregnancy 139

    CHAPTER 11
    Assessing fetal and maternal health: Antenatal care 150
    Antenatal care 151
    Health promotion during pregnancy 151
    Health assessment during the first antenatal visit 151
    Signs indicating complications of pregnancy 161

    CHAPTER 12
    Promoting fetal and maternal health 165
    Health promotion of a fetus and mother 165
    Health promotion during pregnancy 167
    Preventing fetal exposure to teratogens 174
    Preparation for labour 177

    CHAPTER 13
    Promoting nutritional health during pregnancy 179
    Promoting nutritional health in a pregnant woman 179
    Relationship of maternal nutrition to infant health 180
    Assessment of nutritional health 186
    Promoting nutritional health during pregnancy 186

    CHAPTER 14
    Preparing a family for childbirth and parenting 190
    Childbirth and parenting education 190
    Childbirth education 191
    The childbirth plan 193
    Antenatal classes 193
    Exercise during pregnancy 194
    The birth setting 196
    Alternative methods of birth 199

    CHAPTER 15
    Woman-centred care during labour and birth 201
    Onset of labour 202
    Signs of labour 202
    Components of labour 205
    Stages of labour 210
    Maternal and fetal responses to labour 211
    Danger signs in labour 214
    Maternal and fetal assessment during labour 215
    Support of a woman during the first stage of labour 218
    Care of a woman during the second stage of labour 221
    The third and fourth stages of labour 222
    Unique concerns of a woman in labour 223

    CHAPTER 16
    Providing comfort during labour and birth 226
    Women working with pain in labour 227
    Interventions for women in labour 228

    CHAPTER 17
    Nursing care of a postnatal family 234
    Caring for a postnatal woman and family 234
    Psychological changes of the postnatal period 235
    Physiological changes of the postnatal period 238
    Nursing care of a woman and family during the first 24 hours after birth 243
    Nursing care of a woman and family in preparation for discharge 247
    Nursing care of a woman and family after discharge 249
    Nursing care of a postnatal woman and family with unique needs 249

    CHAPTER 18
    Nursing care of a family with a newborn 252
    Health promotion of the term newborn 252
    Profile of a newborn 253
    Appearance of a newborn 261
    Assessment for wellbeing 270
    Care of a newborn at birth 271
    Nursing care of a newborn and family in the postpartum period 274

    CHAPTER 19
    Nutritional needs of a newborn 279
    Promoting nutritional health in a newborn 279
    Nutritional allowances for a newborn 280
    Breastfeeding 282
    Artificial feeding 291
    Discharge planning 294

    Caring for a family when pregnancy, birth or the postnatal period
    becomes complex 297
    CHAPTER 20
    Care of a family experiencing a pregnancy complication
    from a pre-existing or newly acquired condition 297
    Care of a woman with a pre-existing or newly acquired illness 298
    Identifying a high-risk pregnancy 298
    Cardiovascular disorders and pregnancy 298
    Haematological disorders 305
    Renal and urinary disorders 307
    Respiratory disorders 309
    Rheumatic disorders 311
    Systemic lupus erythematosus 311
    Gastrointestinal disorders 312
    Epilepsy 313
    Multiple sclerosis 314
    Endocrine disorders 314
    Mental illness 320

    CHAPTER 21
    Sudden pregnancy complications 325
    Care of a woman who develops a complication of pregnancy 325
    Bleeding during pregnancy 325
    Preterm labour 339
    Preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (PPROM) 342
    Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy 344
    Multiple pregnancy 350
    Polyhydramnios 351
    Oligohydramnios 352
    Post-term pregnancy 352
    Isoimmunisation (Rh incompatibility) 352
    Pregnancy loss 353
    CHAPTER 22
    Care of a pregnant family with special needs 359
    Care of a pregnant woman with special needs 360
    The pregnant adolescent 361
    The pregnant woman over age 40 365
    The pregnant woman who is physically or cognitively challenged 367
    A woman who is substance dependent 371
    Trauma and pregnancy 374

    CHAPTER 23
    Care of a family experiencing a complication of labour or birth 379
    Variations in the rhythm of labour 379
    Anomalies of the placenta and cord 398

    CHAPTER 24
    Care of a family during caesarean birth 403
    A woman having a caesarean birth 403
    Caesarean birth 404
    Effects of surgery on a woman 405
    Care of a woman anticipating a caesarean birth 406
    Care of a woman having an emergency caesarean birth 409
    Intraoperative care measures 409
    Postpartum care measures 412

    CHAPTER 25
    Care of a family experiencing a postpartum complication 419
    A woman experiencing a postpartum complication 421
    Postpartum infection 426
    Thrombophlebitis 428
    Mastitis 430
    Urinary system disorders 430
    Reproductive system disorders 431
    Emotional and psychological complications of the postpartum period 432

    CHAPTER 26
    Nursing care of a family with a high-risk newborn 436
    Family of a high-risk newborn 436
    Newborn priorities in the first days of life 437
    The newborn at risk because of altered gestational age or birth weight 442
    Illness in the newborn 449

    CHAPTER 27
    Care of the child born with a physical or developmental challenge 457
    Care of the child born with a physical or developmental challenge 457
    Immediate care at the birth of an infant born physically or
    developmentally challenged 458
    Physical and developmental disorders of the gastrointestinal system 459
    Physical and developmental disorders of the nervous system 472
    Physical and developmental disorders of the skeletal system 479

    The nursing role in health promotion for a childrearing family 489
    CHAPTER 28
    Principles of growth and development 489
    Promotion of normal growth and development 489
    Growth and development and the role of the nurse 490
    Principles of growth and development 491
    Factors influencing growth and development 491
    Theories of development 497

    CHAPTER 29
    Nursing care of a family with an infant 507
    Healthy development of an infant 507
    Growth and development of an infant 508
    Health promotion for an infant and family 519

    CHAPTER 30
    Nursing care of a family with a toddler 532
    Healthy development of a toddler 532
    Growth and development of a toddler 533
    Health promotion for a toddler and family 537

    CHAPTER 31
    Nursing care of a family with a preschool child 548
    Healthy development of the preschooler 548
    Growth and development of a preschooler 549
    Health promotion for a preschooler and family 553

    CHAPTER 32
    Nursing care of a family with a school-aged child 564
    Healthy development of a school-aged child 564
    Growth and development of a school-aged child 565
    Health promotion for a school-aged child and Family 573

    CHAPTER 33
    Nursing care of a family with an adolescent 587
    Healthy development of an adolescent 587
    Growth and development of an adolescent 588
    Health promotion for an adolescent and family 592

    CHAPTER 34
    Child health assessment 609
    Health assessment of the child and family 610
    Health history: Establishing a database 610
    Nursing assessment 614
    Immunisation status 622

    CHAPTER 35
    Communication and teaching with children and families 630
    Communication 631
    Health teaching in a changing healthcare environment 637
    Developing and implementing a teaching plan 641
    Health teaching for a surgical experience 645

    The nursing role in supporting the health of ill children and
    their families 649
    CHAPTER 36
    Nursing care of a family with an ill child 649
    Nursing an ill child 650
    The meaning of illness to children 651
    Care of the ill child and family in the hospital 653
    Nursing responsibilities for care of an ill child and family 660
    Play 664

    CHAPTER 37
    Nursing care of a family when a child needs diagnostic or
    Therapeutic modalities 670
    Children requiring diagnostic or therapeutic procedures 670
    Nursing responsibilities with diagnostic and therapeutic techniques 671
    Measuring vital signs 674
    Reducing elevated temperature in children 675
    Common diagnostic procedures 676
    Collecting specimens for analysis 678
    Measuring fluid intake and output 681
    Supplemental feeding 681
    Assistance with elimination 683
    Wound care 684

    CHAPTER 38
    Nursing care of a family when a child needs medication
    administration or intravenous therapy 687
    The child needing medication/intravenous therapy 688
    Medication administration 688
    Intravenous therapy 694

    CHAPTER 39
    Pain management in children 700
    Children and pain 700
    Assessing the type and degree of pain 701
    Pain assessment 703
    Pain management 705
    Non-pharmacological pain management 706
    Pharmacological pain relief 708
    Ongoing pain relief 710

    The nursing role in restoring and maintaining the health of
    children and families with physiological disorders 713
    CHAPTER 40
    Nursing care of a family when a child has a respiratory disorder 713
    Caring for a child with a respiratory disorder 714
    Respiratory tract differences in children 714
    Assessing respiratory illness in children 715
    Health promotion 718
    Therapeutic techniques used in the treatment of respiratory
    illness in children 719
    Disorders of the upper respiratory tract 723
    Disorders of the lower respiratory tract 729

    CHAPTER 41
    Nursing care of a family when a child has a cardiovascular
    disorder 739
    Care of a child with a cardiovascular disorder 739
    Assessment of heart disorders in children 740
    Health promotion 744
    Nursing care of the child with a cardiac disorder 745
    Congenital heart disorders 750
    Acquired heart disease 753
    Cardiopulmonary arrest 756

    CHAPTER 42
    Nursing care of a family when a child has an immune disorder 761
    The child with immunodeficiency 761
    The immune system and immune response 762
    Immunodeficiency disorders 763
    Allergies 763
    Atopic disorders 766
    HIV infection and aids 769
    Medication and food allergies 770
    Stinging insect hypersensitivity 772
    Contact dermatitis 772
    Management of immune disorders 773

    CHAPTER 43
    Nursing care of a family when a child has an infectious disorder 777
    A child with an infectious disorder 777
    The infectious process 778
    Health promotion 779
    Caring for the child with an infectious disease 780
    Viral infections 781
    Bacterial infections 785
    Other infectious pathogens 788

    CHAPTER 44
    Nursing care of a family when a child has a haematological
    disorder 793
    Anatomy and physiology of the haematopoietic system 793
    Haematological disorders in children 794
    Assessment of and therapeutic techniques for
    haematological disorders 795
    Health promotion 798
    Disorders of the red blood cells 799
    Disorders of the white blood cells 804
    Disorders of blood coagulation 805

    CHAPTER 45
    Nursing care of a family when a child has a gastrointestinal
    disorder 811
    The child with a gastrointestinal disorder 811
    Health promotion 813
    Fluid, electrolyte and acid–base imbalances 813
    Common gastrointestinal symptoms of illness in children 814
    Common disorders of the stomach and duodenum 817
    Hepatic disorders 820
    Liver transplantation 822
    Intestinal disorders 823
    Disorders of the lower bowel 826
    Disorders caused by food, vitamin and mineral deficiencies 830

    CHAPTER 46
    Nursing care of a family when a child has a renal or urinary
    tract disorder 834
    Care of a child with a renal or urinary tract disorder 834
    Anatomy and physiology of the kidneys 835
    Assessment of renal and urinary tract Dysfunction 836
    Structural abnormalities of the urinary tract 839
    Infections of the urinary system and related disorders 839
    Disorders affecting normal urinary elimination 841
    Therapeutic measures for the management of renal disease 847
    Kidney transplantation 849

    CHAPTER 47
    Nursing care of a family when a child has a reproductive disorder 853
    Care of a child with a reproductive disorder 853
    Assessing reproductive disorders in children 854
    Health promotion 854
    Disorders caused by altered reproductive development 856
    Reproductive disorders in males 856
    Reproductive disorders in females 858
    Sexually transmitted infections 863

    CHAPTER 48
    Nursing care of a family when a child has an endocrine or a
    Metabolic disorder 871
    Care of a child with an endocrine or metabolic disorder 871
    Health promotion 873
    Pituitary gland disorders 873
    Thyroid gland 875
    Thyroid gland disorders 875
    The adrenal gland 876
    Adrenal gland disorders 876
    The pancreas 877
    The parathyroid glands 882
    Metabolic disorders 883

    CHAPTER 49
    Nursing care of a family when a child has a neurological disorder 887
    Care of a child with a neurological system disorder 887
    Assessing the child with a neurological disorder 888
    Health promotion 894
    Increased intracranial pressure 895
    Neural tube disorders 898
    Neurocutaneous syndromes 898
    Cerebral palsy 898
    Infection 901
    Inflammatory disorders 904
    Paroxysmal disorders 905
    Ataxic disorders 910
    Spinal cord injury 910

    CHAPTER 50
    Nursing care of a family when a child has a vision or hearing
    disorder 916
    Health promotion 916
    Vision 917
    Disorders that interfere with vision 918
    Structural problems of the eye 920
    Infection or inflammation of the eye 922
    Traumatic injury to the eye 922
    Inner eye conditions 924
    The child undergoing eye surgery 925
    Structure and function of the ears 925
    Disorders of the ear 926
    The hospitalised child with hearing impairment 929

    CHAPTER 51
    Nursing care of a family when a child has a musculoskeletal
    disorder 932
    Care of a child with a musculoskeletal disorder 932
    The musculoskeletal system 934
    Assessment of musculoskeletal function 934
    Health promotion 935
    Therapeutic management of musculoskeletal disorders
    in children 935
    Disorders of bone development 942
    Infectious and inflammatory disorders of the bones and joints 946
    Disorders of skeletal structure 947
    Disorders of the joints and tendons: Collagen-vascular disease 952
    Disorders of the skeletal muscles 954
    Injuries of the extremities 957
    CHAPTER 52
    Nursing care of a family when a child has an unintentional injury 964
    Care of a child with an unintentional injury 964
    Head trauma 966
    Abdominal trauma 970
    Dental trauma 971
    Near drowning 971
    Poisoning 971
    Foreign body obstruction 973
    Bites 973
    Thermal injuries 975

    CHAPTER 53
    Nursing care of a family when a child has cancer 982
    Care of a child with cancer 982
    Health promotion 983
    Neoplasia 983
    Assessing children with cancer 985
    Overview of cancer treatment measures used with children 985
    The leukaemias 990
    The lymphomas 993
    Neoplasms of the brain 994
    Bone tumours 995
    Other childhood neoplasms 996

    The nursing role in restoring and maintaining the mental health
    Of young people and families 1001
    CHAPTER 54
    Nursing care of a family when a young person has an intellectual
    or a mental health disorder 1001
    Care of a young person with an intellectual or mental disorder 1002
    Classification of mental health disorders 1003
    Neurodevelopmental disorders 1003
    Tic disorders 1009
    Disruptive, impulse-control and conduct disorders 1010
    Anxiety disorders 1011
    Feeding and eating disorders 1013
    Elimination disorders 1015
    Psychiatric disorders affecting children and young people 1015

    CHAPTER 55
    Nursing care of a family in crisis: Abuse and violence in the family 1019
    Care of a family that experiences abuse 1020
    Health promotion and prevention 1021
    Child abuse 1021
    Sexual abuse 1025
    Domestic violence 1027

    CHAPTER 56
    Nursing care of a family when a child has a long-term or
    terminal illness 1030
    The child with a long-term illness 1030
    The child who is terminally ill 1033
    APPENDIX A: Drug effects in pregnancy and breastfeeding 1041
    APPENDIX B: Growth charts 1044
    APPENDIX C: Denver II 1052
    APPENDIX E: Healthy eating for children 1058
    APPENDIX F: Australian Guide to Healthy Eating 1059
    APPENDIX G: Pulse, respiration and blood pressure values 1060
    APPENDIX H: Standard infection guidelines 1061
    APPENDIX I: Primary and secondary skin lesions 1064

    Glossary 1069
    Index  1081
  • • Comprehensive discussion of all facets of child and family health nursing
    • A sensitive, holistic outlook on nursing practice
    • A primary healthcare model that promotes wellness with individuals, families and communities
    • A strong focus on communication, therapeutic intervention, evidence-based practice and critical thinking
    • An emphasis on individualised, person-centred care, the perception of pregnancy and childbirth as periods
    of wellness, the importance of meeting the needs of a culturally diverse population and the value of a
    partnership between nurses and clients in the management of health and illness
    • Follows the family from the pregnancy period through labour, delivery and the postpartal period and then
    follows the child from birth through to adolescence
    • Designed for undergraduate students, as well as for practising nurses who are expanding their knowledge
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Child and Family Health Nursing in Australia and New Zealand with VST eBook

Child and Family Health Nursing in Australia and New Zealand with VST eBook

ISBN/ISSN: 9781922228444
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