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Nephrology and Hypertension Board Review

Edition: 2
Publication Date:
December 30, 2020
New edition forthcoming
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Regarded as the “go-to” book for those seeking certification and  recertification in nephrology with the American Board of Internal Medicine, ...
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  • Regarded as the “go-to” book for those seeking certification and  recertification in nephrology with the American Board of Internal Medicine, Nephrology and Hypertension Board Review prepares you for success on the nephrology board exam. The fully updated second edition proportionally covers all topics listed in the blueprint for the exam, using a concise outline format, numerous illustrations, and many new features that promote high-yield studying and effective retention of complex material. Board-type questions in every chapter provide ample opportunity to practice and help you identify areas for further study. 
    • Includes new and updated content you will see on the exam, such as continuous renal replacement therapy, peritoneal dialysis, kidney transplantation, hypertension, glomerular diseases, acid-base and electrolyte disturbances, and much more. 

    • Contains new features throughout: more tables and figures in every chapter to consolidate difficult concepts and facilitate learning; an invited essay giving a glimpse into the exciting future of nephrology; a new appendix on complex calculations, facts, protocols, and formulas; new contributors who provide expert, fresh insights to your study and review; and improved text organization and wording for both visual and audio learning. 

    • Incorporates recent changes in the treatment of chronic diseases and new medical findings, including management guidelines for hypertension, glomerular diseases, and complications of chronic kidney diseases, new medications, and updated practices in transplant nephrology. 

    • Contains hundreds of full-color photographs, illustrations, and tables that provide visual reinforcement and simplify retention of complex information. 

    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience 

    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. 

    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech. 

  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Publication Date
    December 30, 2020
  • Phuong-Chi Pham
    Phuong-Thu T. Pham MD
    Director, Outpatient Services, Kidney Transplant Program
    University of California, Los Angeles Medical Center
    Clinical Professor of Medicine
    David Geffen School of Medicine
    University of California, Los Angeles
    Los Angeles, CA
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Nephrology and Hypertension Board Review

Nephrology and Hypertension Board Review

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975149567
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