Home / Medicine / Moore's Clinical Anatomy Flash Cards

Moore's Clinical Anatomy Flash Cards

Edition: 2
Publication Date:
July 24, 2013
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This clinically relevant anatomy flash card set is based on the concepts and full-color images in Moore's Clinically Oriented Anatomy. ...
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  • This clinically relevant anatomy flash card set is based on the concepts and full-color images in Moore's Clinically Oriented Anatomy. The card set is a convenient, portable study tool for gross anatomy courses, exam preparation, clinical anatomy review during clerkships, and dental and allied health students.
    Organized and color-coded using the regional approach of Clinically Oriented Anatomy , the cards feature descriptions of structures, concise versions of the text's clinical "Blue Boxes," and correlating images. Realistic anatomic renderings, radiographs, and diagrams of common medical situations complement this clinically oriented material. Information on muscle attachments, innervations, and main actions are also included.
    New to this edition:
    • 16 introductory cards that give an overview of the major systems
    • New and improved artwork from the 7th edition of Clinically Oriented Anatomy
    • Additional diagrams, illustrations, and clinical photos
    • A hole punch and metal key ring for easy organization and studying on the go
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Card Deck
    Trim Size
    4 x 6
    Publication Date
    July 24, 2013
  • Douglas J. Gould PhD
    Professor in the Department of Foundational Medical Studies
    Chair of the Department of Foundational Medical Studies
    Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
    Rochester, MI 
  • Introduction
    1 Thorax
    2 Abdomen
    3 Pelvis and Perineum
    4 Back
    5 Lower Limb
    6 Upper Limb
    7 Head
    8 Neck
    9 Cranial Nerves
  • New to this edition:
    • 16 introductory cards that give an overview of the major systems
    • New and improved artwork from the 7th edition of Clinically Oriented Anatomy
    • Additional diagrams, illustrations, and clinical photos
    • A hole punch and metal key ring for easy organization and studying on the go
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Moore's Clinical Anatomy Flash Cards

Moore's Clinical Anatomy Flash Cards

ISBN/ISSN: 9781451173352
USD $58.99 Quantity :
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