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Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Musculoskeletal Tumors 3: Ebook

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
August 21, 2018
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Leading orthopaedic surgeons and other specialists collaborated to provide this multi-disciplinary perspective on musculoskeletal tumors. Through their eyes and insights, ...
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  • Leading orthopaedic surgeons and other specialists collaborated to provide this multi-disciplinary perspective on musculoskeletal tumors. Through their eyes and insights, you will gain a big picture view of the latest innovations in tumor care and optimized treatment. Explore leading-edge research and clinical innovations in pathology, radiology and emerging treatments—in a single, concise volume.

    Especially recommended for practitioners of radiology, pathology, and orthopaedic surgery, this new volume provides deep insight as well as practical, actionable knowledge based on real-world patient care scenarios, and best practices supported by the most current literature.

    Content includes:
    • Special considerations in tumor management
    • Bone grafting and bone graft substitutes
    • Surgical management of skeletally immature patients
    • Amputations

    Developed in partnership with the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society (MSTS), this OKU specialty volume is a valuable addition to any collection of new orthopaedic knowledge.

    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s) , such as computer, tablet, or smartphone
    • Easily convert to audiobook , powering your content with natural language text-to-speech
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Orthopaedic Knowledge Update
    Publication Date
    August 21, 2018
  • J. Sybil Biermann M.D.
  • Section 1 - General Evaluation and Treatment of Musculoskeletal Tumors
    Editor: R. Lor Randall, MD

    Chapter 1. Clinical Presentation and Staging of Bone Tumors
    Judd E. Cummings, MD; Matthew J. Seidel, MD

    Chapter 2. Imaging of Musculoskeletal Tumors: Updates and Current Practice
    Kirsten Ecklund, MD

    Chapter 3. Biopsy
    Nicholas P. Webber, MD

    Chapter 4. The Molecular Biology of Musculoskeletal Neoplasia
    Kevin B. Jones, MD

    Chapter 5. Pseudotumors and Tumorlike Lesions
    Raffi S. Avedian, MD

    Chapter 6. Chemotherapy
    Jennifer Wright, MD

    Chapter 7. Targeted Therapy for Soft-Tissue and Bone Sarcomas
    Warren A. Chow, MD, FACP

    Section 2 - Benign Bone Tumors
    Editor: Albert J. Aboulafia, MD, FACS, MBA

    Chapter 8. Radiation Therapy
    Elizabeth H. Baldini, MD, MPH

    Chapter 9. Cystic and Radiolucent Bone Lesions
    John A. Abraham, MD

    Chapter 10. Benign Cartilage Tumors
    Adam J. Schwartz, MD

    Chapter 11. Benign Bone-Forming Tumors
    Robert Mikael Henshaw, MD; Emily E. Carmody Soni, MD

    Chapter 12. Benign Fibrous and Histiocytic Lesions of Bone
    William M. Parrish, MD

    Chapter 13. Giant Cell Tumor of Bone David Cheong, MD
    G. Douglas Letson, MD

    Section 3 - Malignant Primary Bone Tumors
    Editor: Carol D. Morris, MD, MS

    Chapter 14. Surgical Treatment of Benign Bone Tumors
    Bruce Rougraff, MD

    Chapter 15. Osteosarcoma of Bone
    Alexander J. Chou, MD; Farbod Malek, MD

    Chapter 16. Ewing Sarcoma
    Matthew R. Steensma, MD

    Chapter 17. Chondrosarcoma of Bone
    Richard L. McGough III, MD

    Chapter 18. Miscellaneous Malignant Primary Bone Tumors
    David McKeown, MD; Patrick J. Boland, MD

    Chapter 19. Lymphoma and Myeloma
    Wakenda K. Tyler MD, MPH; Adam S. Levin, MD

    Section 4 - Soft-Tissue Tumors
    Editor: Patrick P. Lin, MD

    Chapter 20. Surgical Management of Malignant Primary Bone Tumors
    Satoshi Kawaguchi, MD; Valerae O. Lewis, MD

    Chapter 21. The Evaluation and Diagnosis of Soft-Tissue Masses
    Joel L. Mayerson, MD

    Chapter 22. Benign Vascular Soft-Tissue Tumors
    Yee-Cheen Doung, MD

    Chapter 23. Benign Cystic Soft-Tissue Lesions
    Jeffrey E. Krygier, MD

    Chapter 24. Lipoma and Other Benign Lipomatous Tumors
    Sean V. McGarry, MD

    Chapter 25. Benign Neural Tumors
    Shahram Bozorgnia, MD

    Chapter 26. Benign Fibrous Tumors
    Robert L. Satcher Jr, MD, PhD

    Chapter 27. Synovial Chondromatosis and Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis
    Bryan S. Moon, MD

    Chapter 28. Miscellaneous Benign Soft-Tissue Tumors
    Spencer J. Frink, MD; Robert L. Satcher Jr, MD, PhD

    Chapter 29. Soft-Tissue Sarcomas
    Robert J. Esther, MD

    Section 5 - Metastatic Disease to Bone
    Editor: Joseph Benevenia, MD

    Chapter 30. Surgical Management of Soft-Tissue Sarcomas
    Justin E. Bird, MD

    Chapter 31. The Pathophysiology of Bone Metastasis
    Valerie A. Fitzhugh, MD

    Chapter 32. Prediction of Impending Pathologic Fracture and Treatment Considerations in Patients With Metastatic Bone Disease
    Kathleen S. Beebe, MD

    Chapter 33. Surgical Management of Upper Extremity Bone Metastases: A Treatment Algorithm
    Kevin A. Raskin, MD

    Chapter 34. Surgical Management of Lower Extremity Metastatic Disease
    Howard J. Goodman, MD; Francis R. Patterson, MD

    Chapter 35. Evaluation and Treatment of Spinal Metastases
    Michael J. Vives, MD; Saad B. Chaudhary, MD, MBA

    Section 6 - Special Considerations in Tumor Management
    Editor: Ginger E. Holt, MD

    Chapter 36. Disease-Specific Considerations in Metastatic Bone Disease
    Robert H. Quinn, MD; Rajiv Rajani, MD

    Chapter 37. Pelvic Sarcoma Resection and Reconstruction
    Peter C. Ferguson, MD, FRCSC

    Chapter 38. Proximal Femur Resection and Reconstruction
    Christian M. Ogilvie, MD

    Chapter 39. Distal Femoral Resection and Reconstruction
    Theresa Pazionis, MD, MA; Michelle Ghert, MD, FRCSC

    Chapter 40. Proximal Tibial Resection and Reconstruction
    Robert K. Heck Jr, MD; Patrick C. Toy, MD

    Chapter 41. Upper Extremity Resection and Reconstruction
    Kelly C. Homlar, MD; Jennifer L. Halpern, MD

    Chapter 42. Concepts in Bone Grafting, Allografts, and Tissue Processing
    Herbert S. Schwartz, MD

    Chapter 43. Surgical Management of Sarcomas in Skeletally Immature Patients
    Antoinette W. Lindberg, MD; Stephanie E. W. Punt, BS; Janet F. Eary, MD; Ernest U. Conrad III, MD

    Chapter 44. Amputations
    Kurt R. Weiss, MD; Richard L. McGough III, MD; Mark A. Goodman, MD
  • Content includes:
    • Special considerations in tumor management
    • Bone grafting and bone graft substitutes
    • Surgical management of skeletally immature patients
    • Amputations

    Developed in partnership with the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society (MSTS), this OKU specialty volume is a valuable addition to any collection of new orthopaedic knowledge.

    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s) , such as computer, tablet, or smartphone
    • Easily convert to audiobook , powering your content with natural language text-to-speech
  • This review is published by Doody Enterprises, Inc.
    Score: 80 - 3 Stars

    Yasser R Farid, MD, MSc, PhD
    (University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine)

    This excellent review of musculoskeletal tumors features expert discussions of different tumors and tumor-like conditions of the skeleton as well as diagnosis and treatment, including nonsurgical alternatives and adjuvant therapies in a comprehensive, well-illustrated format. The previous edition was published in 2007.

    The purpose is to detail the current standard of care and recent advances in musculoskeletal oncology. The book covers various aspects of diagnosis and treatment including clinical, imaging, histological, and surgical information as well as the molecular features of the neoplasms. These are challenging objectives, but the book adequately meets them.

    The book is written for oncologists as well as nonspecialists, including practicing surgeons, residents, and fellows. It is a valuable resource for test preparation as well as a clinical guide for orthopedic surgeons who might encounter bone or soft tissue lesions that need to be recognized and addressed appropriately.

    The book encompasses approaches to the diagnosis and staging of musculoskeletal tumors, including the safe, cost-effective use of various diagnostic modalities, treatment alternatives, future directions, and innovative potentials for cure. It reviews bone and soft tissue tumors including benign and malignant diseases, as well as metastatic disease of bone. This edition features a unique chapter on the surgical treatment of sarcomas in the skeletally immature patient that addresses treatment alternatives that allow tumor control while providing the utmost function and the least limb length discrepancy. A chapter on radiographic and histological differential diagnosis could have been a significant addition, instead of discussions of imaging modalities and histological features of various tumors in isolated chapters. Differential diagnosis of a lesion seen on plain radiographs optimizes a surgeon's decision about the need for referral and biopsy by a specialist. In addition, such a skill enables recognition of various tumors with overlapping histology, which remains a challenge to residents. Furthermore, it reduces functional and oncologic complications of inappropriate prereferral procedures. This could only be achieved with increasing the awareness of differential diagnosis upon initial evaluation of a radiograph that shows a bone lesion.

    Overall, this is an excellent update and a useful resource for orthopedic oncologists and general orthopedic surgeons.
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Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Musculoskeletal Tumors 3: Ebook

Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Musculoskeletal Tumors 3: Ebook

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975122515
USD $199.00 Quantity:
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