Home / Medicine / Marino's The Little ICU Book

Marino's The Little ICU Book

Edition: 2
Publication Date:
January 30, 2017
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Quick lookup for the most essential info in critical care! Ideal for quick reference at the bedside, The Little ICU ...
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  • Quick lookup for the most essential info in critical care! Ideal for quick reference at the bedside, The Little ICU Book is a condensed, compact version of The ICU Book , Dr. Marino’s best-selling comprehensive intensive care reference . The Little ICU Book zeroes in on only the essentials for the hands-on care of critically ill adult patients. Its fast-access format makes it an indispensible resource for residents as well as busy critical care physicians.
    Key Features:
    • Apply the latest know-how with comprehensive updates throughout the book.
    • Find the answers you need quickly with a concise outline format and Dr. Marino’s accessible, reader-friendly writing style.
    • Grasp visual concepts at a glance through abundant clear, colorful illustrations and tables.
    • Carry it with you everywhere thanks to its portable size.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Trim Size
    7.125 x 4.25
    Publication Date
    January 30, 2017
  • Paul L. Marino MD, PhD, FCCM
    Clinical Associate Professor, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY
  • Key Features:
    • Apply the latest know-how with comprehensive updates throughout the book.
    • Find the answers you need quickly with a concise outline format and Dr. Marino’s accessible, reader-friendly writing style.
    • Grasp visual concepts at a glance through abundant clear, colorful illustrations and tables.
    • Carry it with you everywhere thanks to its portable size.
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Marino's The Little ICU Book

Marino's The Little ICU Book

ISBN/ISSN: 9781496385758
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