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Emergency Medicine Images for Practice

An Overview of X-Ray, Ultrasound, CT, and MRI Images
Publication Date:
November 14, 2015
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An Overview of X-Ray, Ultrasound, CT, and MRI Images
  • An Overview of X-Ray, Ultrasound, CT, and MRI Images
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    November 14, 2015
  • Alex Koyfman M.D.
    Mari B Baker MD
  • Section I:
    1. Basic approach to Chest Radiography
    2. Basic approach to Peds Elbow Radiography
    3. Basic approach to Wrist Radiography
    4. Basic approach to Ankle Radiography
    5. Basic approach to Cervical Spine Radiography
    6. Basic approach to Hip/Pelvis X-ray
    7. Basic approach to Plain Abdominal Radiography
    8. Esophageal foreign body
    9. Large Bowel Volvulus (Sigmoid and Cecal)
    10. Pneumoperitoneum
    11. Ileus
    12. Ogilvie
    13. Emphysematous cholecystitis
    14. Cardiomegaly
    15. Endocarditis
    16. Pulmonary edema
    17. Mandibular Fracture/Dislocation
    18. Epiglottitis
    19. Sarcoidosis
    20. Tuberculosis
    21. Anthrax
    22. Necrotizing fasciitis
    23. Legg-Calve-Perthes
    24. Osteomyelitis
    25. Septic joint
    26. Inflammatory arthritis (gout)
    27. Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE),
    28. Clavicle fracture
    29. Shoulder dislocations (anterior/postieror/interior) / Bankart and Hill-Sachs lesions
    30. Hip dislocations
    31. Boxer’s fracture
    32. Salter-Harris I-V
    33. Torus / Bowing Deformity / Greenstick Fractures
    34. Toddler’s fracture
    35. Supracondylar fracture
    36. Radial head fracture
    37. Colles’ fracture
    38. Smith’s fracture
    39. Barton fracture
    40. Pelvic fracture
    41. Compression fracture
    42. Scaphoid fracture
    43. Carpal instability
    44. Triquetral fracture
    45. Lunate fracture
    46. Bennett’s fracture
    47. Rolando’s fracture
    48. Monteggia fracture
    49. Galeazzi fracture
    50. Lisfranc fracture
    51. Atlanto-occipital dislocation
    52. Clayshoveler’s fracture
    53. Jefferson fracture
    54. Odontoid fracture
    55. Hangman’s fracture
    56. Bilateral facet dislocation
    57. Chance fracture
    58. Teardrop fracture
    59. Spondylolisthesis
    60. Elbow dislocation
    61. Knee dislocation
    62. Ankle fractures
    63. Ankle dislocation
    64. Finger dislocation
    65. Swan neck / Boutonniere deformities
    66. Patella fracture
    67. Patella dislocation
    68. Maisonneuve fracture
    69. Metaphyseal corner fracture
    70. Jones/Pseudo-Jones fracture
    71. Mallet finger
    72. Pseudosubluxation child
    73. Tuft fracture
    74. Calcaneal fracture
    75. Humeral shaft fracture
    76. AC separation
    77. Tibial plateau fracture
    78. Hip fractures
    79. Sternal fracture
    80. Primary bone neoplasm
    81. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
    82. Duodenal atresia
    83. Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC)
    84. Malrotation with midgut volvulus
    85. Tetralogy of Fallot
    86. Child abuse
    87. Croup
    88. Lobar atelectasis
    89. Pleural effusion
    90. Pneumomediastinum
    91. Pneumothorax / tension pneumothorax
    92. Pneumonia – various
    93. PCP PNA
    94. COPD
    95. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
    96. Aspiration Pneumonia
    97. Lung nodule
    (or Lung Mass?)
    98. Bronchiectasis
    99. Lung abscess
    100. Mediastinal mass
    101. Rib fracture / flail chest
    102. Sternoclavicular dislocation
    103. Hemothorax
    104. Diaphragm rupture
    105. Multiple myeloma
    Section II:
    1. Basic approach to AAA Exam
    2. Basic approach to Biliary Exam
    3. Basic approach to Echocardiography Exam
    4. Basic approach to E-FAST
    5. Basic approach to Pneumothorax Exam
    6. Basic approach to Appendix Exam
    7. Basic approach to Pelvic US
    8. Basic approach to DVT exam
    9. Basic approach to Renal Exam
    10. US-guided procedures
    11. US confirmation of ETT placement
    12. Gallbladder Disease
    13. Acute appendicitis
    14. Abdominal hernia
    15. AAA
    16. Cardiac tamponade
    17. Endocarditis
    18. Retinal detachment
    19. Vitreous hemorrhage
    20. Lens dislocation
    21. Tubo-ovarian abscess
    22. Ruptured ectopic pregnancy
    23. Ovarian torsion
    24. Placenta previa/A>25. Molar pregnancy
    26. Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
    27. Pyloric stenosis
    28. Intussusception
    29. Mesenteric adenitis
    30. Hydronephrosis
    31. Urinary retention / post-void residual
    32. Wilm’s tumor
    33. Testicular torsion
    34. Perinephric abscess
    35. Pneumothorax
    36. DVT
    37. RUSH exam
    38. Cellulitis/A>39. Increased Intracranial Pressure
    40. Musculoskeletal Injuries
    41. Hip effusion
    42. Wound foreign body
    43. Peritonsillar abscess drainage
    44. Breast US
    Section III:
    1. Introduction to reading a non-contrast head CT
    2. Introduction to reading a CT angiogram of the chest
    3. Introduction to reading CT abdomen
    4. Acute appendicitis
    5. SBO/LBO
    6. Perforated peptic ulcer
    7. Boerhaave’s syndrome
    8. Mesenteric ischemia
    9. Diverticulitis
    10. Psoas abscess
    11. Inflammatory bowel disease
    12. Necrotizing pancreatitis / pseudocyst
    13. Clostridium difficile
    14. Intra-abdominal abscess
    15. Retroperitoneal hemorrhage
    16. Abdominal hernia
    17. Aortic dissection
    18. AAA (ruptured)
    19. Ludwig’s angina
    20. Retropharyngeal abscess
    21. Undifferentiated neck mass
    22. Sinusitis
    23. Mastoiditis
    24. Orbital cellulitis
    25. Retrobulbar hematoma
    26. Necrotizing fasciitis
    27. Fournier’s gangrene
    28. Toxoplasmosis
    29. Brain abscess
    30. Compression fracture
    31. Vertebral fractures
    32. Clavicle fracture
    33. Tibial plateau fracture
    34. Occult hip fracture
    35. Calcaneal fracture
    36. Sternal fracture
    37. Sternoclavicular dislocation
    38. LeFort fractures
    39. Ischemic / hemorrhagic stroke
    40. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
    41. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis
    42. Intracerebral / cerebellar hemorrhage
    43. Carotid / vertebral dissection
    44. Brain tumor
    45. Neurocysticercosis
    46. Nephrolithiasis
    47. Pulmonary embolism
    48. Tuberculosis
    49. Orbital floor fracture
    50. Mandible fracture
    51. Epidural hematoma
    52. Subdural hematoma
    53. Basilar skull fracture
    54. Cerebral herniation
    55. Non-contrast/PO/IV CT studies
    Section IV:
    1. Herniated disc / cord compression
    2. Cervical ligamentous instability
    3. Cauda equina
    4. Spinal epidural abscess
    5. Discitis / vertebral osteomyelitis
    6. Transverse myelitis
    7. Spinal epidural hematoma
    8. Occult hip fracture
    9. Ischemic stroke
    10. SAH/aneurysm
    11. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis
    12. Brain tumor
    13. Multiple sclerosis
    14. Carotid/vertebral dissection
    15. Encephalitis
    16. Acute appendicitis
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Emergency Medicine Images for Practice

Emergency Medicine Images for Practice

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