Home / Medicine / Cardiac Imaging: A Core Review

Cardiac Imaging: A Core Review

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
October 27, 2015
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The Core Review Series will be the first and only reference specifically designed for the new exam. This title will ...
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  • The Core Review Series will be the first and only reference specifically designed for the new exam. This title will consist of approximately 300 questions, in a format similar to the exam with image-rich MCQs. Answers to the questions will be discussed in a concise manner along with explanations of each choice followed by relevant references.

    Cardiac Imaging: A Core Review will cover questions ranging from basic imaging, normal anatomy, all diseases relative to cardiac imaging, all modalities, and postoperative appearances of devices.Key Features
    • Image-rich review text with 300 questions-includes answers and explanations.
    • On average, each question will have 1-2 corresponding images
    • Bundled with an Inkling version for interactive and mobile review
    • High-yield tables embedded in the answers
    • Answers to the questions with explanations on why a particular answer choice is correct and why the other choices are incorrect
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    October 27, 2015
  • Joe Hsu MD
    Amar Shah MD
  • Key Features
    • Image-rich review text with 300 questions-includes answers and explanations.
    • On average, each question will have 1-2 corresponding images
    • Bundled with an Inkling version for interactive and mobile review
    • High-yield tables embedded in the answers
    • Answers to the questions with explanations on why a particular answer choice is correct and why the other choices are incorrect
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Cardiac Imaging: A Core Review

Cardiac Imaging: A Core Review

ISBN/ISSN: 9781469899428
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