Discover a revolutionary approach to reconstructive surgery! Now in its Second Edition, The Atlas of Regional and Free Flaps for Head and Neck Reconst...
An indispensable reference for pathology residents, pathologists, and physicians specializing in OB/GYNIn covering the topic of gynecologic and obstet...
Knowledge and understanding of vascular disease, particularly atherosclerosis, continue to expand across disciplines, as do diagnostic and therapeutic...
Essential Dermatopathology is designed to assist pathology trainees, general pathologists, dermatology trainees, and dermatologists in understanding t...
Immunophenotyping is the most powerful tool in the routine diagnosis of hematologic neoplasms. Immunohistochemical technique is used in histology labs...
Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: Orthopaedic Oncology and Complex Reconstruction focuses on bone and soft tissue tumors, which are among the ...
This book will be a full-color atlas of both benign and neoplastic proliferations in the blood. The book will illustrate the morphologic features on p...
Human Radiation Injury is a concise but thorough presentation of known toxicities of radiation exposure in humans. This unique text is the only single...
The Second Edition of the respected Ophthalmology Review Manual provides an organized reference to aid in clinical disease management and board exams ...
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