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Wound Care Made Incredibly Visual

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
October 9, 2018
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Provide effective wound care with skill and confidence, with the expert direction and real-life images of the fully updated Wound ...
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  • Provide effective wound care with skill and confidence, with the expert direction and real-life images of the fully updated Wound Care Made Incredibly Visual!®, 3rd Edition.

    Let this colorfully illustrated text guide you through the fundamental concepts, skills, and treatments needed for positive wound care outcomes, including the latest products and procedures. Prepare to succeed in both the classroom and on the unit the enjoyable Incredibly Visual ™ way, as clear explanations and plentiful images guide you through the vital steps of effective wound care.

    Grasp the basic concepts, skills, phases, and complications of wound care …
    • NEW and updated photos and graphics
    • NEW and updated content on the latest wound care techniques and interventions
    • Hundreds of colorful images that make the complexities of wound care easy to understand —detailed photos, charts, and drawings that explain and reinforce key concepts in easy-to-remember ways
    • Clear, concise text that explains the fundamentals and latest advancements in wound care in clear, understandable terms
    • Perfect for visual learners —numerous images that demonstrate skills and interventions, including:
      • Skin anatomy and physiology—skin layers and their functions
      • Wound healing—types of wound healing, healing phases, and complications
      • Wound assessment—including recognizing failure to heal
      • Effects of aging on wound healing
      • Acute versus chronic wounds
      • Pressure injuries
      • Vascular ulcers
      • Diabetic foot ulcers
      • Malignant wounds
      • Atypical wounds
      • Wound care products
      Ideal on-the-spot reference and review for nursing students, new nurses, and other healthcare practitioners
    • Excellent teaching aid—seasoned, step-by-step guidance backed by images that demonstrate everyday patient care situations
    • Chapter features:
      • Chapter content summary at the start of each chapter
      • Q&A —End-of-chapter games and quizzes that reinforce learning points—multiple-choice or fill-in-the-blank questions, word games, and matching images to wound care concepts
      • “Nurse Joy and Jake” —Expert insights and encouraging advice offered throughout
      • Take note —illustrated interventions that demonstrate real-life patient scenarios

    About the Clinical Editor
    Patricia Albano Slachta, PhD, APRN, ACNS-BC, CWOCN, is President of the Nursing Educational Programs and Services in Ridgeland, South Carolina.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    7 x 9
    Incredibly Easy! Series®
    Publication Date
    October 9, 2018
  • LWW
  • 1 Skin anatomy and physiology
    Charleen Singh, PhD, FNP-BC, CWOCN, RN
    2 Wound healing
    Lynette E. Franklin, APRN, ACNS-BC, CWOCN-AP, CFCN
    3 Wound assessment
    Anne Elizabeth Johnson, MSN, RN, CWON
    4 Wound care procedures
    Kathy McLaughlin, DNP, RN, CWOCN
    5 Acute wounds
    Jody N. Scardillo, DNP, RN, ANP-BC, CWOCN
    6 Pressure injuries
    Jody N. Scardillo, DNP, RN, ANP-BC, CWOCN
    7 Vascular ulcers
    Teresa J. Kelechi, PhD, RN, GCNS, CWCN, FAAN
    8 Diabetic foot ulcers
    Teresa J. Kelechi, PhD, RN, GCNS, CWCN, FAAN
    9 Malignant wounds
    Carol Calianno, MSN, CWOCN, CRNP
    10 Atypical wounds
    Carol Calianno, MSN, CWOCN, CRNP
    11 Wound care products
    Kathy McLaughlin, DNP, RN, CWOCN
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Wound Care Made Incredibly Visual

Wound Care Made Incredibly Visual

ISBN/ISSN: 9781496398260
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