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Werner & Ingbar's The Thyroid

Edition: 11
Publication Date:
June 2, 2020
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Through ten outstanding editions, Werner & Ingbar's The Thyroid: A Fundamental and Clinical Text has been the go-to reference for ...
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  • Through ten outstanding editions, Werner & Ingbar's The Thyroid: A Fundamental and Clinical Text has been the go-to reference for the most comprehensive coverage of the thyroid, including anatomy, development, biochemistry, physiology, pathophysiology, and treatment of all thyroid disorders. Now in full color throughout, the 11th Edition of this award-winning text remains the clinician’s preferred source of authoritative information on the thyroid—an essential resource for all endocrinologists and thyroid surgeons.
    • Includes thorough updates and new content throughout the text, especially on thyroid cytopathology, thyroid imaging, and targeted therapy of thyroid cancer as well as a new full-color format.
    • Covers all aspects of the thyroid, including thyroid hormone synthesis and secretion, thyroid function, and disorders such as thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism, and cancer.
    • Discusses surgical management of thyroid cancer, thyroid disruptors, thyroid hormone analogs, thyroid dysfunction’s effects on other organ systems, the aging thyroid, subclinical hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, and thyroid disease in pregnancy.
    • Features insights from international experts, including new editor Dr. Peter Kopp of Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine.
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    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Trim Size
    8 3/8 x 10 7/8
    Publication Date
    June 2, 2020
  • Lewis E. Braverman MD
    Professor of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine; Chief, Section of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Nutrition, Department of Medicine, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA
    Contributors vii
    Preface to the Eleventh Edition xv
    Preface to the First Edition xvii
    section I
    The Normal Thyroid 1
    A. History, Development, Anatomy 1
    chapter 1 The heritage of the thyroid: A brief history 1
    Peter A. Kopp
    chapter 2 Development and anatomy of the hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid axis 9
    Pilar Santisteban and Sabine Costagliola
    B. Thyroid Hormone Synthesis and Secretion 39
    chapter 3 Thyroid hormone synthesis: Thyroid iodide transport 39
    Nancy Carrasco
    chapter 4 Thyroid hormone synthesis 59
    Peter A. Kopp
    C. Peripheral Thyroid Hormone Binding and Metabolism 86
    chapter 5 Thyroid hormone transport proteins 86
    David Halsall and Carla Moran
    chapter 6 Intracellular pathways of iodothyronine metabolism/implications of deiodination
    for thyroid hormone action 97
    Antonio C. Bianco and Brian W. Kim
    D. Thyroid Hormone Action 128
    chapter 7 Intracellular actions by thyroid hormones 128
    Paul M. Yen, Gregory A. Brent, and Anthony N. Hollenberg
    chapter 8 Thyroid hormone structure–function relationships 143
    Riccardo Zucchi
    E. Factors That Control Thyroid Function 157
    chapter 9 Chemistry and biosynthesis of thyrotropin 157
    Ronald N. Cohen, Anthony N. Hollenberg, and Fredric E. Wondisford
    chapter 10 The thyrotropin receptor 174
    Gilbert Vassart and Patrice Rodien
    chapter 11 Aging and the thyroid 183
    Anne R. Cappola
    chapter 12 Effects of drugs on TSH secretion, thyroid hormones’ absorption, synthesis,
    metabolism, and action 187
    David H. Sarne
    chapter 13 Thyroid disruptors 203
    Angela M. Leung
    chapter 14 Nonthyroidal illness syndrome 214
    Anita Boelen, Lies Langouche, Wilmar Wiersinga, and Greet Van den Berghe
    chapter 15 Iodine deficiency and excess, endemic cretinism 230
    Michael B. Zimmermann and Weiping Tengxx Contents
    section II
    Assessment of Thyroid Structure and Function 259
    chapter 16 Physical examination of the thyroid gland 259
    James V. Hennessey and Jeffrey R. Garber
    chapter 17 Laboratory measurement of thyroid-related hormones, proteins, and autoantibodies in serum 267
    Ulla Feldt-Rasmussen
    chapter 18 Nonisotopic thyroid imaging 300
    Gilles Russ and Jung Hwan Baek
    chapter 19 Thyroid radionuclide uptake and imaging studies 310
    Daniel A. Pryma
    chapter 20 Cytopathology of the thyroid gland 321
    Zubair W. Baloch and Virginia A. Livolsi
    chapter 21 Histopathology of the thyroid gland 332
    Zubair W. Baloch and Virginia A. Livolsi
    section III
    Thyroid Diseases: Thyrotoxicosis 353
    A. Causes of Thyrotoxicosis 353
    chapter 22 Pathogenesis of Graves disease 353
    Terry F . Davies and Yaron Tomer
    chapter 23 Thyrotropin-induced thyrotoxicosis 370
    Paolo Beck-Peccoz, Andrea Lania, and Luca Persani
    chapter 24 Toxic adenoma and toxic multinodular goiter 378
    Ralf Paschke
    chapter 25 Trophoblastic tumors 389
    Jerome M. Hershman
    chapter 26 Sporadic painless, painful subacute and acute infectious thyroiditis 395
    Alan P . Farwell and Elizabeth N. Pearce
    chapter 27 Thyrotoxicosis of extrathyroidal origin 414
    Angela M. Leung
    B. Organ System Manifestations 419
    chapter 28 Overview of the clinical manifestations of thyrotoxicosis 419
    Henry B. Burch
    chapter 29 Ophthalmopathy 427
    Luigi Bartalena
    chapter 30 The cardiovascular system in thyrotoxicosis 438
    Salman Razvi
    chapter 31 Thyroid hormones in intermediary metabolism, thermogenesis, and obesity 446
    Francesco S. Celi
    chapter 32 The skeletal system in thyrotoxicosis 454
    Bernard Freudenthal, Laura Watts, Graham R. Williams, and J. H. Duncan Bassett
    chapter 33 Thyroid dermopathy and thyroid acropachy 463
    Vahab Fatourechi
    chapter 34 Psychiatric and cognitive effects of thyrotoxicosis 476
    Mary H. Samuels and Kathryn G. Schuff
    chapter 35 Thyrotoxic storm 482
    Leonard Wartofsky and Kenneth D. Burman
    C. Diagnosis and Management of Thyrotoxicosis 489
    chapter 36 Diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis 489
    Paul W. Ladenson
    chapter 37 Treatment of thyrotoxicosis 495
    David S. Cooper
    chapter 38 Subclinical thyrotoxicosis 524
    Kristien BoelaertContents xxi
    section IV
    Thyroid Diseases: Hypothyroidism 531
    A. Causes of Hypothyroidism 531
    chapter 39 Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis 531
    Anthony P . Weetman
    chapter 40 Genetic defects causing hypothyroidism 543
    N. Schoenmakers
    chapter 41 Primary hypothyroidism due to other causes 555
    Caroline T. Nguyen and Peter A. Singer
    chapter 42 Central hypothyroidism 566
    Luca Persani and Paolo Beck-Peccoz
    B. Organ System Manifestations of Hypothyroidism 575
    chapter 43 Overview of the clinical manifestations of hypothyroidism 575
    Michael T. McDermott
    chapter 44 Hypothyroidism and the heart 584
    Salman Razvi
    chapter 45 The skeletal system in hypothyroidism 592
    Laura Watts, Bernard Freudenthal, J.H. Duncan Bassett, and Graham R. Williams
    chapter 46 Psychiatric and cognitive effects of hypothyroidism 599
    Kathryn G. Schuff and Mary H. Samuels
    chapter 47 Myxedema Coma 605
    Kenneth D. Burman and Leonard Wartofsky
    C. Management of Hypothyroidism 612
    chapter 48 Diagnosis of hypothyroidism 612
    Paul W. Ladenson
    chapter 49 Treatment of hypothyroidism 618
    Jacqueline Jonklaas
    chapter 50 Subclinical hypothyroidism 635
    Robin P . Peeters
    section V
    Thyroid Diseases: Nontoxic Diffuse and Multinodular Goiter 641
    chapter 51 Multinodular goiter: pathogenesis and management 641
    Steen Joop Bonnema and Laszlo Hegedüs
    chapter 52 Clinical evaluation and management of thyroid nodules 660
    Susan J. Mandel and Jill E. Langer
    section VI
    Thyroid Cancers 683
    chapter 53 Carcinomas of follicular epithelium: epidemiology and pathogenesis 683
    Arthur B. Schneider, Cari M. Kitahara, and Alina Brenner
    chapter 54 Genomic landscapes of thyroid cancers of follicular cell derivation 709
    David G. McFadden, Thomas Giordano, James A. Fagin, and Yuri Nikiforov
    chapter 55 Carcinoma of the follicular epithelium: surgical therapy 723
    David L. Steward and Julie A. Sosa
    chapter 56 Staging and prognosis of differentiated thyroid cancer 733
    Donald S.A. McLeod
    chapter 57 Medical management of differentiated epithelial cell thyroid cancer 751
    Sebastiano Filetti, R. Michael Tuttle, and Steven I. Sherman
    chapter 58 Papillary microcarcinomas 776
    Akira Miyauchi and Yasuhiro Ito
    chapter 59 Medullary thyroid cancer 784
    Andreas Machens, Dagmar Führer, and Henning Drallexxii Contents
    chapter 60 Poorly differentiated thyroid cancer, anaplastic thyroid cancer, and miscellaneous tumors of the
    thyroid 796
    Bryan R. Haugen, Keith C. Bible, and Robert C. Smallridge
    chapter 61 Thyroid cancer in children 813
    Catherine A. Dinauer, Emily R. Christison-Lagay, and Gary L. Francis
    section VII
    The Thyroid in Infancy and Childhood 839
    chapter 62 The maturation of thyroid function in the fetus, in the perinatal period and during childhood 839
    Gabor Szinnai and Michel Polak
    chapter 63 Hypothyroidism in infants and children 855
    Johnny Deladoëy, Julia von Oettingen, and Guy Van Vliet
    chapter 64 Impaired sensitivity to thyroid hormone: defects of transport, metabolism, and action 868
    Alexandra M. Dumitrescu, Manassawee Korwutthikulrangsri, and Samuel Refetoff
    chapter 65 Hyperthyroidism in the neonate, child, and adolescent 908
    Scott A. Rivkees
    section VIII
    Thyroid Disorders in Pregnancy and Postpartum 923
    chapter 66 Thyroid disorders during preconception, pregnancy, and the postpartum period 923
    Tim I.M. Korevaar and Elizabeth N. Pearce
    Index 943
    • Includes thorough updates and new content throughout the text, especially on thyroid cytopathology, thyroid imaging, and targeted therapy of thyroid cancer as well as a new full-color format.
    • Covers all aspects of the thyroid, including thyroid hormone synthesis and secretion, thyroid function, and disorders such as thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism, and cancer.
    • Discusses surgical management of thyroid cancer, thyroid disruptors, thyroid hormone analogs, thyroid dysfunction’s effects on other organ systems, the aging thyroid, subclinical hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, and thyroid disease in pregnancy.
    • Features insights from international experts, including new editor Dr. Peter Kopp of Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine.

    ​Enrich Your Ebook Reading Experience
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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