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Ultrasound for Primary Care

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
September 8, 2020
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Master high-yield point-of-care ultrasound applications that are targeted specifically to answer questions that arise commonly in the outpatient clinic! Written ...
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  • Master high-yield point-of-care ultrasound applications that are targeted specifically to answer questions that arise commonly in the outpatient clinic! Written for primary care providers in  Family Medicine, Pediatrics and Internal Medicine, Ultrasound for Primary Care is a practical, easy-to-read guide.  Learn to incorporate ultrasound to augment your physical exam for evaluation of thyroid nodules, enlarged lymph nodes, pericardial effusion, chronic kidney disease, and a host of musculoskeletal issues, and much more.   Additionally, included are chapters on ultrasound for guidance of procedures including joint injections, lumbar puncture and needle biopsy, to name a few. Well-illustrated and highly templated, this unique title helps you expand the scope of your practice and provide more effective patient care.
    • Puts key concepts in the perspective of common questions that arise in primary care with case-based clinical vignettes that exemplify the situations in which these questions arise
    • Presents information in highly templated chapters that provide a clinical vignette, review of the evidence, description of protocol, illustrations, ultrasound view of anatomy, pearls and pitfalls, algorithms, billing codes, and more.
    • Features additional chapters on procedures, covering Musculoskeletal Aspirations and Injections, Central Line Placement, Thoracentesis, Core Needle Biopsy, and many more.
    Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Trim Size
    8 3/8 x 10 7/8
    Publication Date
    September 8, 2020
  • Paul Bornemann MD
    Contributors vi
    Preface xii
    CHAPTER 1 Ultrasound Basics: Physics, Transducers,
    Conventions, Terminology, and Artifacts 3
    Victor V. Rao and Robert Haddad
    CHAPTER 2 Point-of-Care Ultrasound Billing
    and Credentialing 13
    Francisco I. Norman and Paul Bornemann
    SECTION 1: Eyes 19
    CHAPTER 3 Is the Patient’s Intracranial
    Pressure Elevated? 19
    James M. Daniels, Erica Miller-Spears, and
    Linda M. Savage
    CHAPTER 4 Does the Patient Have a Retinal
    or Vitreous Detachment? 25
    Dae Hyoun (David) Jeong, James M. Daniels, and
    Cesar S. Arguelles
    SECTION 2: Thyroid 30
    CHAPTER 5 Does This Thyroid Nodule
    Need to Be Biopsied? 30
    Brooke Hollins McAdams and Keisha Bonhomme Ellis
    SECTION 3: Lymph Node 41
    CHAPTER 6 Is This Enlarged Lymph Node Benign
    Appearing? 41
    Elana Thau and Charisse W. Kwan
    SECTION 4: Central Nervous System 47
    CHAPTER 7 Does This Patient Have Hydrocephalus? 47
    Duncan Norton, Sofia Markee, and Paul Bornemann
    SECTION 1: Cardiac 56
    CHAPTER 8 What Is the Patient’s Left Ventricular
    Systolic Function? 56
    Mark E. Shaffer and Andrew D. Vaughan
    CHAPTER 9 Does the Patient Have Left Ventricular
    Hypertrophy? 62
    Julian Reese and Paul Bornemann
    CHAPTER 10 Does the Patient Have a
    Pericardial Effusion? 69
    Mark E. Shaffer
    CHAPTER 11 Does the Patient Have Right
    Heart Strain? 75
    Mark E. Shaffer and Joseph C. Lai
    SECTION 2: Lung 82
    CHAPTER 12 Does the Patient Have Pulmonary
    Edema? 82
    Michael Wagner and Keith R. Barron
    CHAPTER 13 Does the Patient Have a Pleural Effusion? 90
    Kevin Bergman and Jennifer Madeline Owen
    CHAPTER 14 Does the Patient Have a Pneumothorax? 97
    Keith R. Barron and Michael Wagner
    CHAPTER 15 Does the Patient Have Pneumonia? 104
    Andrew W. Shannon and William Chotas
    SECTION 3: Breast 111
    CHAPTER 16 Does the Patient’s Breast Mass Need
    to Be Biopsied? 111
    Esther Kim, Andrew Kim, John Rocco MacMillan Rodney,
    and William MacMillan Rodney
    SECTION 1: Renal 118
    CHAPTER 17 Does the Patient Have Nephrolithiasis? 118
    David Flick, Holly Beth Crellin, and Nicholas Adam Kohles
    CHAPTER 18 Does the Patient Have Chronic Kidney
    Disease? 127
    Melissa Ferguson and Jason Reinking
    SECTION 2: Hepatobiliary 132
    CHAPTER 19 Does the Patient Have
    Hepatosplenomegaly? 132
    Androuw Carrasco
    CHAPTER 20 Does the Patient Have Hepatic Steatosis? 136
    Gina Bornemann and Paul Bornemann
    CHAPTER 21 Does the Patient Have Ascites? 143
    Erin Stratta and Kendra Johnson
    CHAPTER 22 Does the Patient Have Cholelithiasis
    or Cholecystitis? 151
    Matthew Fentress SECTION 3: Bowel 158
    CHAPTER 23 Does the Patient Have a
    Bowel Obstruction? 158
    Margaret R. Lewis and Vivek S. Tayal
    CHAPTER 24 Does the Patient Have Appendicitis? 163
    David Flick, Maria G. Valdez, and Aaron C. Jannings
    CHAPTER 25 Does the Patient Have Intussusception? 169
    Aun Woon (Cindy) Soon and Peter James Snelling
    CHAPTER 26 Does the Patient Have Pyloric Stenosis? 174
    Aun Woon (Cindy) Soon and Peter James Snelling
    SECTION 4: Obstetric 178
    CHAPTER 27 Does the Patient Have a Viable
    Intrauterine Pregnancy? 178
    Benjamin J. F. Huntley, Francis M. Goldshmid, and
    Erin S. L. Huntley
    CHAPTER 28 What Is the Gestational Age? 189
    Erin S. L. Huntley and Benjamin J. F . Huntley
    CHAPTER 29 What Is the Status of Fetal Well-Being? 199
    Benjamin J. F . Huntley and Brandon Williamson
    SECTION 5: Pelvis 206
    CHAPTER 30 Does This Patient Have Testicular
    Torsion? 206
    Charisse W. Kwan
    CHAPTER 31 How Thick Is the Patient’s Endometrial
    Stripe? 212
    Lauren Castleberry and Joy Shen-Wagner
    CHAPTER 32 Does the Patient Have an
    Adnexal Mass? 218
    Joshua N. Splinter, William MacMillan Rodney,
    Gary Paul Willers, II, and John Rocco MacMillan Rodney
    CHAPTER 33 What Is the Patient’s Postvoid Residual
    Bladder Volume? 226
    John Doughton
    CHAPTER 34 Is the Patient’s Intrauterine
    Device in the Proper Location? 231
    Joy Shen-Wagner and Lauren Castleberry
    SECTION 1: Musculoskeletal 245
    CHAPTER 35 Does the Patient Have a Joint Effusion? 245
    Nicole T. Yedlinsky, Alex Mroszczyk-McDonald, and
    Joshua R. Pfent
    CHAPTER 36 Does the Patient Have a Rotator
    Cuff Tear? 251
    Michael J. Murphy and Tenley E. Murphy
    CHAPTER 37 Does the Patient Have an Ankle
    Sprain or Fracture? 265
    Tenley E. Murphy and Patrick F. Jenkins, III
    CHAPTER 38 Does the Patient Have Tendinopathy? 271
    Michael Marchetti
    CHAPTER 39 Is the Patient’s Arthritis From
    Crystal Disease? 276
    Mark H. Greenberg
    CHAPTER 40 Does the Patient Have Carpal
    Tunnel Syndrome? 287
    Paul Bornemann and Mohamed Gad
    SECTION 2: Skin and Soft Tissue 295
    CHAPTER 41 Does the Patient Have Cellulitis
    or an Abscess? 295
    Casey Parker and Matthew Fitzpatrick
    CHAPTER 42 Is a Foreign Body Present? 301
    Jennifer S. Lee and Joshua R. Pfent
    CHAPTER 43 Is This Soft Tissue Mass Concerning? 306
    Ximena Wortsman
    CHAPTER 44 Does the Patient Have a Hernia? 316
    John Rocco MacMillan Rodney and William
    MacMillan Rodney
    SECTION 1: Peripheral Venous 325
    CHAPTER 45 Does the Patient Have a
    Lower Extremity Deep Venous Thrombosis? 325
    Paul Bornemann
    SECTION 2: Inferior Vena Cava 335
    CHAPTER 46 What Is the Patient’s Central Venous
    Pressure? 335
    Matthew Fentress
    SECTION 3: Aorta 341
    CHAPTER 47 Does the Patient Have an Abdominal
    Aortic Aneurysm? 341
    Neil Jayasekera and Naman Shah
    SECTION 4: Carotid 346
    CHAPTER 48 Does the Patient Have Carotid
    Stenosis? 346
    Nicholas LeFevre
    CHAPTER 49 Cardiopulmonary Limited Ultrasound
    Examination (CLUE) 355
    Zachary B. Self and F. Laura Bertani
    CHAPTER 50 Focused Ultrasonography in
    Trauma (FAST) 364
    Caroline Brandon and Tarina Lee Kang
    CHAPTER 51 Rapid Ultrasound for Shock and
    Hypotension (RUSH) 373
    Mena RamosCHAPTER 56 Lumbar Puncture 413
    Naushad Amin
    CHAPTER 57 Peripheral Intravenous Catheter
    Placement 419
    David Schrift, Carol Choe, and Darien B. Davda
    CHAPTER 58 Core Needle Biopsy/Fine Needle
    Aspiration 427
    Paul Bornemann and Mohamed Gad
    CHAPTER 59 Saline Infusion Sonography 437
    Lauren Castleberry
    Index 443
    CHAPTER 52 Musculoskeletal Aspirations and
    Injections 385
    Alexei O. DeCastro, Dae Hyoun (David) Jeong, and
    Jock Taylor
    CHAPTER 53 Central Line Placement 391
    Jilian R. Sansbury
    CHAPTER 54 Diagnostic and Therapeutic
    Thoracentesis Using Point-of-Care Ultrasound 399
    Wynn Traylor Harvey, II, Sergio Urcuyo, and Claire Hartung
    CHAPTER 55 Paracentesis 407
    Andrew D. Vaughan and Daniel P. Dewey
    • Puts key concepts in the perspective of common questions that arise in primary care with case-based clinical vignettes that exemplify the situations in which these questions arise
    • Presents information in highly templated chapters that provide a clinical vignette, review of the evidence, description of protocol, illustrations, ultrasound view of anatomy, pearls and pitfalls, algorithms, billing codes, and more.
    • Features additional chapters on procedures, covering Musculoskeletal Aspirations and Injections, Central Line Placement, Thoracentesis, Core Needle Biopsy, and many more.
    Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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Ultrasound for Primary Care

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