Home / Allied Health / Trigger Point Chart Set: Torso & Extremities Paper

Trigger Point Chart Set: Torso & Extremities Paper

Edition: 2
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This beautiful trigger point educational tool includes two charts: Trigger Points: Torso and Trigger Points: Extremities . Each chart illustrates and ...
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  • This beautiful trigger point educational tool includes two charts: Trigger Points: Torso and Trigger Points: Extremities . Each chart illustrates and labels the muscles affected by trigger points, and shows trigger point locations with primary and secondary pain sensitive zones. Each chart includes a legend that explains how to identify particular trigger points and their pain zones.
    This edition has updated images and improved content organization to maximize visual impact. The torso chart shows trigger points of the upper torso and shoulder, posterior deep and anterior-posterior pain referral guide. The extremities chart shows upper extremity, lower extremity, and head and neck trigger points.
    Made in USA
    Available in the following versions:
    • 20" x 26" heavy weight paper laminated with grommets at top corners / set of 2 charts ISBN 9780781773072
    • 20" x 26" heavy weight paper / set of 2 charts ISBN 9780781773065
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Trim Size
    20 x 26
  • Anatomical Chart Company
$ 25.99 USD $25.99

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Trigger Point Chart Set: Torso & Extremities Paper

Trigger Point Chart Set: Torso & Extremities Paper

ISBN/ISSN: 9780781773065
USD $25.99 Quantity:
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9780781773065 Trigger Point Chart Set: Torso & Extremities Paper 9780781773065 Home / Allied Health / Trigger Point Chart Set: Torso & Extremities Paper 3 https://shop.lww.com/Trigger-Point-Chart-Set--Torso---Extremities-Paper/p/9780781773065 //cdn-tp2.mozu.com/16833-25855/cms/25855/files/0d06205e-2bf6-484c-9ce8-f2c6965e25cc 25.99 25.99 25.99 1

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