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Timby’s Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing, 13th Edition, continues a long tradition of success and equips LPN/LVN students with the practical knowledge ...
Timby’s Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing, 13th Edition, continues a long tradition of success and equips LPN/LVN students with the practical knowledge and skills to confidently meet the challenges of a changing healthcare environment and embrace expanding opportunities in medical-surgical nursing practice. Easy to read and optimized for today’s visual learners, this approachable yet comprehensive text clearly details the common adult disorders treated medically and surgically and the basic concepts students need to deliver safe, effective patient care. Coverage is presented at a level ideal for practical/vocational nursing students, accompanied by vibrant photos and illustrations that clarify challenging material and reinforce essential understanding.
Updated to reflect current medical and nursing practice, this 13th Edition ensures a mastery of essential concepts, emphasizes health promotion in accordance with the Healthy People 2030 initiative, and strengthen students’ critical thinking and clinical judgment capabilities.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Publication Date
November 24, 2021
Loretta A Donnelly-Moreno
Brigitte Moseley
UNIT 1 Nursing Roles and Responsibilities
Chapter 1 Concepts and Trends in Healthcare
Chapter 2 Settings and Models for Nursing Care
Chapter 4 Interviewing and Physical Assessment
Chapter 5 Legal and Ethical Issues
Chapter 6 Leadership Roles and Management Functions
UNIT 2 Client Care Concerns
Chapter 7 Nurse–Client Relationships
Chapter 8 Cultural Care Considerations
Chapter 9 Integrative Medicine and Alternative Therapies
Chapter 10 End-of-Life Care
UNIT 3 Foundations of Medical-Surgical Nursing
Chapter 11 Pain Management
Chapter 12 Infection
Chapter 13 Intravenous Therapy
Chapter 14 Perioperative Care
Chapter 15 Disaster Situations
UNIT 4 Caring for Clients With Multisystem Disorders
Chapter 16 Caring for Clients With Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid–Base Imbalances
Chapter 17 Caring for Clients in Shock
Chapter 18 Caring for Clients With Cancer
UNIT 5 Caring for Clients With Respiratory Disorders
Chapter 19 Introduction to the Respiratory System
Chapter 20 Caring for Clients With Upper Respiratory Disorders
Chapter 21 Caring for Clients With Lower Respiratory Disorders
UNIT 6 Caring for Clients With Cardiovascular Disorders
Chapter 22 Introduction to the Cardiovascular System
Chapter 23 Caring for Clients With Infectious and Inflammatory Disorders of the Heart and Blood Vessels
Chapter 24 Caring for Clients With Valvular Disorders of the Heart
Chapter 25 Caring for Clients With Disorders of Coronary and Peripheral Blood Vessels
Chapter 26 Caring for Clients With Cardiac Arrhythmias
Chapter 27 Caring for Clients With Hypertension
Chapter 28 Caring for Clients With Heart Failure
Chapter 29 Caring for Clients Undergoing Cardiovascular Surgery
UNIT 7 Caring for Clients With Hematopoietic and Lymphatic Disorders
Chapter 30 Introduction to the Hematopoietic and Lymphatic Systems
Chapter 31 Caring for Clients With Disorders of the Hematopoietic System
Chapter 32 Caring for Clients With Disorders of the Lymphatic System
UNIT 8 Caring for Clients With Immune Disorders
Chapter 33 Introduction to the Immune System
Chapter 34 Caring for Clients With Immune-Mediated Disorders
Chapter 35 Caring for Clients With HIV/AIDS
UNIT 9 Caring for Clients With Neurologic Disorders
Chapter 36 Introduction to the Nervous System
Chapter 37 Caring for Clients With Central and Peripheral Nervous System Disorders
Chapter 38 Caring for Clients With Cerebrovascular Disorders
Chapter 39 Caring for Clients With Head and Spinal Cord Trauma
Chapter 40 Caring for Clients With Neurologic Deficits
UNIT 10 Caring for Clients With Sensory Disorders
Chapter 41 Introduction to the Sensory System
Chapter 42 Caring for Clients With Eye Disorders
Chapter 43 Caring for Clients With Ear Disorders
UNIT 11 Caring for Clients With Gastrointestinal Disorders
Chapter 44 Introduction to the Gastrointestinal System and Accessory Structures
Chapter 45 Caring for Clients With Disorders of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract
Chapter 46 Caring for Clients With Disorders of the Lower Gastrointestinal Tract
Chapter 47 Caring for Clients With Disorders of the Liver, Gallbladder, or Pancreas
Chapter 48 Caring for Clients With Ostomies
UNIT 12 Caring for Clients With Endocrine Disorders
Chapter 49 Introduction to the Endocrine System
Chapter 50 Caring for Clients With Disorders of the Endocrine System
Chapter 51 Caring for Clients With Diabetes Mellitus
UNIT 13 Caring for Clients With Breast and Reproductive Disorders
Chapter 52 Introduction to the Female and Male Reproductive Systems
Chapter 53 Caring for Clients With Disorders of the Female Reproductive System
Chapter 54 Caring for Clients With Breast Disorders
Chapter 55 Caring for Clients With Disorders of the Male Reproductive System
Chapter 56 Caring for Clients With Sexually Transmitted Infections
UNIT 14 Caring for Clients With Urinary and Renal Disorders
Chapter 57 Introduction to the Urinary System
Chapter 58 Caring for Clients With Disorders of the Kidneys and Ureters
Chapter 59 Caring for Clients With Disorders of the Bladder and Urethra
UNIT 15 Caring for Clients With Musculoskeletal Disorders
Chapter 60 Introduction to the Musculoskeletal System
Chapter 61 Caring for Clients Requiring Orthopedic Treatment
Chapter 62 Caring for Clients With Traumatic Musculoskeletal Injuries
Chapter 63 Caring for Clients With Orthopedic and Connective Tissue Disorders
UNIT 16 Caring for Clients With Integumentary Disorders
Chapter 64 Introduction to the Integumentary System
Chapter 65 Caring for Clients With Skin, Hair, and Nail Disorders
Chapter 66 Caring for Clients With Burns
UNIT 17 Caring for Clients With Psychobiologic Disorders
Chapter 67 Interaction of Body and Mind
Chapter 68 Caring for Clients With Anxiety Disorders
Chapter 69 Caring for Clients With Mood Disorders
Chapter 70 Caring for Clients With Eating Disorders
Chapter 71 Caring for Clients With Substance Use Disorders
Chapter 72 Caring for Clients With Dementia and Thought Disorders
References and Suggested Readings (available on thePoint)
Appendix A Commonly Used Abbreviations and Acronyms
Appendix B Laboratory Values (available on thePoint)
NEW! Emphasis on clinical judgment incorporated throughout the text helps students hone the ability to think like nurses and effectively obtain knowledge, analyze data, prioritize information, take action, and evaluate outcomes.
NEW! Key Points at the end of each chapter reinforce must-know information at a glance.
UPDATED! Content familiarizes students with the Healthy People 2030 framework and readies students for evolving trends and challenges in nursing practice, including the COVID-19 pandemic.
UPDATED! Cultural Awareness coverage alerts students to important considerations for the care of diverse populations, including transgender patients.
UPDATED! Stop, Think, and Respond sections empower students to think critically and apply their understanding to common clinical scenarios.
UPDATED! Concept Mastery Alerts clarify commonly misunderstood concepts identified by data from Lippincott® Adaptive Learning Powered by PrepU.
UPDATED! Clinical Scenarios challenge students to think critically about common client problems they’ll encounter in practice.
UPDATED! Nursing Care Plans (with rationales) guide students confidently through the care of issues such as Alzheimer's disease, cancer, myocardial infarction, stroke, diabetes mellitus, modified radical mastectomy, and chronic renal failure.
UPDATED! Nursing Process sections boost students’ clinical confidence in applying the nursing process approach to care.
UPDATED! Evidence-Based Practice boxes, including a Clinical Question, Evidence, and Nursing Implications, detail how research relates to practice.
UPDATED! Drug Therapy Tables provide quick, easy access to examples of generic and trade names, mechanisms of action, common side effects, and nursing considerations.
UPDATED! Nursing Guidelines highlight essential information for performing specific nursing skills or managing care for a client with a particular disorder.
UPDATED! Client and Family Teaching boxes detail specific instructions students can share with clients to improve outcomes.
UPDATED! Gerontologic Considerationsnow presented together at the start of each chapter enhance students’ understanding of how pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, and nursing care differ for the older population.
UPDATED!Pharmacologic Considerations alert students to special considerations for clients receiving specific drugs.
UPDATED! Nutrition Notes call students’ attention to special nutritional needs of clients with certain specific types conditions.
UPDATED! Critical Thinking Exercises hone students’ ability to apply what they have learned.
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