The Twelfth Edition of Timby’s Fundamental Nursing Skills and Concepts continues the tradition of excellent coverage of basic nursing theory and clinical skills that have long made this text a leading resource for LPN/LVN students at the beginning of their program, as well as a comprehensive reference for updating the skills of currently employed nurses or those returning to work after a period of inactive practice.
Students using this text will learn theoretical nursing concepts, step-by-step skills and procedures, and clinical applications, all while applying philosophical concepts focusing on the human experience, such as caring as the essence of nursing, supportive health care provider networks, and accountability for actions and clinical decisions. Engaging learning tools promote critical thinking, and visually enticing photos and illustrations bring the information to life to reinforce learning.
Updated to help students meet the needs of today’s changing healthcare environment, this new edition reflects the most current medical and nursing practices, including up-to-date gerontologic, pharmacologic, and nutritional considerations and the latest NANDA diagnoses and terminology
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
October 5, 2020
Loretta A Donnelly-Moreno
UNIT 1 Exploring Contemporary Nursing
Chapter 1 Nursing Foundations
Chapter 2 Nursing Process
UNIT 2 Integrating Basic Concepts
Chapter 3 Laws and Ethics
Chapter 4 Health and Illness
Chapter 5 Homeostasis, Adaptation, and Stress
Chapter 6 Culture and Ethnicity
UNIT 3 Fostering Communication
Chapter 7 The Nurse–Client Relationship
Chapter 8 Client Teaching
Chapter 9 Recording and Reporting
UNIT 4 Performing Basic Client Care
Chapter 10 Asepsis
Chapter 11 Admission, Discharge, Transfer, and Referrals
Chapter 12 Vital Signs
Chapter 13 Physical Assessment
Chapter 14 Special Examinations and Tests
UNIT 5 Assisting With Basic Needs
Chapter 15 Nutrition
Chapter 16 Fluid and Chemical Balance
Chapter 17 Hygiene
Chapter 18 Comfort, Rest, and Sleep
Chapter 19 Safety
Chapter 20 Pain Management
Chapter 21 Oxygenation
Chapter 22 Infection Control
UNIT 6 Assisting the Inactive Client
Chapter 23 Body Mechanics, Positioning, and Moving
Chapter 24 Fitness and Therapeutic Exercise
Chapter 25 Mechanical Immobilization
Chapter 26 Ambulatory Aids
UNIT 7 The Surgical Client
Chapter 27 Perioperative Care
Chapter 28 Wound Care
Chapter 29 Gastrointestinal Intubation
UNIT 8 Promoting Elimination
Chapter 30 Urinary Elimination
Chapter 31 Bowel Elimination
UNIT 9 Medication Administration
Chapter 32 Oral Medications
Chapter 33 Topical and Inhalant Medications
Chapter 34 Parenteral Medications
Chapter 35 Intravenous Medications
UNIT 10 Intervening in Emergency Situations
Chapter 36 Airway Management
Chapter 37 Resuscitation
UNIT 11 Caring for the Terminally Ill
Chapter 38 End-of-Life Care
References and Suggested Readings
Appendix A Commonly Used Abbreviations and Acronyms
NEW! Integrated gerontologic, pharmacologic, and nutritional considerations, identified by icons, help students connect concepts to relevant chapter content.
UPDATED! NANDA diagnoses labels and definitions in Nursing Implications and accompanying Nursing Care Plans reflect the latest NANDA-I publication, Nursing Diagnoses 2019–2020.
Words to Know listed at the beginning of each chapter clarify key nursing and technical terminology.
Learning Objectives keep students focused on the most valuable chapter content for effective study and practice.
Focus on the Nursing Process throughout the text familiarizes students with this important approach to practice and reinforces its use in the application of skills and nursing care planning.
Nursing Care Plans provide realistic client profiles, diagnostic statements, interventions and rationales, and evidence-based evaluations to prepare students to address common clinical scenarios.
Skills demonstrate chapter concepts in action and familiarize students with standard precautions and infection control guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Nursing Guidelines, accompanied by detailed illustrations, guide students through various kinds of nursing care or suggestions for managing client care problems.
Client and Family Teaching Boxes highlight essential education points for nurses to communicate to clients and their families.
Critical Thinking Exercises strengthen students’ ability to apply their understanding of chapter content to clinical situations or rhetorical questions.
NCLEX-PN®-style Questions reflect the 2016 NCLEX-PN Test Plan and prepare students to excel on their exams.
Glossary provides fast access to a comprehensive list of definitions.
Bibliography directs students to supplemental resources for greater understanding.
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