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Therapeutic Electrophysical Agents

An Evidence-Based Handbook
Edition: 4
Publication Date:
April 5, 2022
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The outright practice of therapeutic electrophysical agents at your fingertips – open, learn, and apply!Pocket-sized and perfect for learning or ...
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  • The outright practice of therapeutic electrophysical agents at your fingertips – open, learn, and apply!

    Pocket-sized and perfect for learning or practice in any setting, Therapeutic Electrophysical Agents: An Evidence-Based Handbook, 4th Edition, instills the expertise with electrophysical agents needed for success in physical therapy. This proven, practical text is built on evidence from the most recent published peer-reviewed scientific and clinical literature, providing a credible and reliable foundation for safe, effective practice. The updated 4th edition features a new, streamlined design that emphasizes essential knowledge and skills in a compact, portable format preferred by today’s busy students and practitioners, accompanied by online resources that simplify conversion and dosimetric calculations to save time while ensuring accurate results.
    • New pocket-sized format provides fast, easy access to essential information on demand.
    • New Takeaways feature highlight key elements related to each chapter.
    • New and easier approach to objective dosimetry through multiple exemplified formulas and calculations.
    • New recommended reading list loaded with the most recent published meta-analysis, systematic reviews, and randomized controlled trials.
    • New listing of Indications to optimize therapeutic effectiveness based on best evidence.
    • Updated Contraindications, Risks, and Precautions for use enhance safety and clinical decision-making.
    • Updated step-by-step guidance to application.
    • Updated full-color photos and illustrations clarify concepts and reinforce understanding. 
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    April 5, 2022
  • Alain Belanger PhD
    Alain-Yvan Bélanger is a retired Professor from the Department of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, at Laval University, Canada. Dr Bélanger is the author of three textbooks – Evidence-Based Guide to therapeutic Physical Agents (2002) and Therapeutic Electrophysical Agents: Evidence Behind Practice (2010 & 2014). Some of them which have been translated in Turkish, Portuguese and Greek. He served as a consultant for Medtronic and Enraf Nonius on the development of electrophysical agents, in addition served as a court expert witness on patent matters related to electrophysical devices. He made, over the course of his career, a substantial contribution to the field of physical rehabilitation through the publication of several peer-review papers, and the presentation of multiple conferences at national and international congresses. He also served as Scientific Editor of Physiotherapy Canada and as President of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association.  Dr. Belanger is recognized internationally as a leader in the field of therapeutic electrophysical agents. 
    • New pocket-sized format provides fast, easy access to essential information on demand.
    • New Takeaways feature highlight key elements related to each chapter.
    • New and easier approach to objective dosimetry through multiple exemplified formulas and calculations.
    • New recommended reading list loaded with the most recent published meta-analysis, systematic reviews, and randomized controlled trials.
    • New listing of Indications to optimize therapeutic effectiveness based on best evidence.
    • Updated Contraindications, Risks, and Precautions for use enhance safety and clinical decision-making.
    • Updated step-by-step guidance to application.
    • Updated full-color photos and illustrations clarify concepts and reinforce understanding. 
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Therapeutic Electrophysical Agents

Therapeutic Electrophysical Agents

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975159603
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