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Theoretical Nursing

Development and Progress
Edition: 6
Publication Date:
January 5, 2017
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Inspire your students to be theoretical thinkers, innovative advocates, and agents for change.Focused on cultivating the next generation of ...
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  • Inspire your students to be theoretical thinkers, innovative advocates, and agents for change.
    Focused on cultivating the next generation of scholars, this highly respected classic demystifies theory, charts strategies to use in developing and advancing theory, and provides tools and best practices in evaluating progress in the discipline. Based on the feedback of nursing students, this edition was updated to be more accessible without losing the necessary rigor to foster critical thinking. Meleis provides a developmental and historical review of theoretical nursing and helps readers develop analytic skills and integrate knowledge into a coherent whole. By embarking on the journey of nursing theory, practicing nurses will find ways to improve everyday practice, as well as develop theories that capture their expertise.

    Highlights of the Sixth Edition
    Key Topics
    • Paradigms that influenced nursing thought, such as feminism and post-colonialism
    • Nursing Theories, including need , interaction , and outcome theories
    • Social and health care transitions and their influence on advancing nursing knowledge
    • The most updated global definitions of the discipline of nursing and the future of nursing
    • Critical discussions on how different classifications of theories may lead to productive explorations and explanations of the process of clinical judgment and decision making
    Key Features
    • New online journal articles and case studies give students an opportunity to apply theory to practice.
    • Chapter-ending Reflective Questions expand students’ understanding of theory and its impact on nursing today.
    • Separate chapters covering Middle Range Theory and Situation-Specific Theory . This text is complemented by and frequently used with Peterson & Bredow’s Middle Range Theories: Application to Nursing Research and Practice .
    • A new two-column design that enhances readability.
    Doody's Review Services gives this title a Weighted Numerical Score: 89 - 3 Stars!
    "This is the most exemplary nursing theory title available and it is particularly useful because it is a treasure trove of classic and emerging theorists and their work. The breadth, comprehensiveness, and historical grounding make this a must-have title that is a relevant reference for emerging nursing theorists and researchers, faculty, graduate students, and policy makers." - Doody's Review Service
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Trim Size
    7 x 10
    Publication Date
    January 5, 2017
  • Afaf Ibraham Meleis RN, PhD, FAAN
    Dean, School of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
  • Part One: Our Theoretical Journey
    1: Positioning for the Journey
    2: On Being and Becoming a Scholar
    3: Theory: Metaphors, Symbols, Definitions

    Part Two: Our Theoretical Heritage
    4: From Can’t to Kant: Barriers and Forces Toward Theoretical Thinking
    5: On the Way to Theoretical Nursing: Stages and Milestones

    Part Three: Our Discipline and Its Structure
    6: The Discipline of Nursing: Perspective and Domain
    7: Sources, Resources, and Paradoxes for Theory
    8: Our Syntax: An Epistemological Analysis

    Part Four: Reviewing and Evaluating: Pioneering Theories
    9: Nursing Theories Through Mirrors, Microscopes, or Telescopes
    10: A Model for Evaluation of Theories: Description, Analysis, Critique, Testing, and Support
    11: On Needs and Self-Care
    12: On Interactions
    13: On Outcomes

    Part Five: On Developing Theories of Different Levels
    14: Developing Concepts
    15: Developing Theories
    16: Developing Middle-Range Theories
    17: Developing Situation-Specific Theories
    Part Six: Our Theoretical Future
    18. Measuring Progress in a Discipline
    19: Fifth-Generation Theorists: Passion for Advancing Theory
    Part Seven: Our Historical and Current Literature
    20: Historical Writings in Theory
    21: Historical and Current Theory Bibliography
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Theoretical Nursing

Theoretical Nursing

ISBN/ISSN: 9780060000424
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