Concise, portable, and user-friendly, The Washington Manual Hematology and Oncology Subspecialty Consult, 5th Edition, provides quick access to the essential ...
Concise, portable, and user-friendly, The Washington Manual Hematology and Oncology Subspecialty Consult, 5th Edition, provides quick access to the essential information needed to evaluate a patient on a hematology-oncology subspecialty consult service. Edited by Drs. Brian A. Van Tine and Meagan A. Jacoby, this best-selling manual offers state-of-the-art content, including coverage of new therapies such as CAR T-cell therapy, new anti-cancer drugs, and new biomarkers and therapeutic targets. Ideal for fellows, residents, and medical students rotating on hematology and oncology subspecialty services, the manual is also useful as a first-line resource for advanced practice providers, general internal medicine physicians, Hem/ONC fellows, and other primary care providers.
Thoroughly revised to include new therapies such as PD-1 inhibitors for Hodgkin lymphoma, CAR T-cell therapy in NHL and multiple myeloma, gene therapy for sickle cell disease, CAR T-cell therapies and management of CRS and neurotoxicity, and more
It presents clinically oriented information like symptoms, signs, and problems in a quick-reference, bulleted list format for easy, everyday reference
Shares the knowledge and experience of a new co-editor of the Hematology section, Dr. Meagan Jacoby
Provides updated references for additional information on key topics
Written by fellows and faculty from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
The Washington Manual® is a registered mark belonging to Washington University in St. Louis to which international legal protection applies. The mark is used in this publication by WoltersKluwer Health under license from Washington University.
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Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
5 x 8
The Washington Manual Subspecialty Consult Series
Publication Date
November 15, 2024
Brian A. Van Tine MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Division of Medical Oncology
Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, Missouri
Contents Contributors v Department Chair’s Note viii Preface ix ART I. HEMATOLOGY Introduction and Approach to Hematology 3 Christine Auberle White Blood Cell Disorders: Leukopenia and Leukocytosis 11 Nicole C. Foley Red Blood Cell Disorders 25 Sana Saif Ur Rehman Platelets: Thrombocytopenia and Thrombocytosis 39 Joshua I. Siner Introduction to Coagulation and Laboratory Evaluation of Coagulation 53 Nicholas C. Spies and Ronald Jackups Jr Thrombotic Disease 64 Joshua I. Siner and Kristen M. Sanfilippo Coagulopathy 79 Joshua I. Siner Bone Marrow Failure 92 Constantine N. Logothetis and Stefan P. Tarnawsky Myelodysplastic Neoplasms and Clonal Hematopoiesis 102 Constantine N. Logothetis and Stefan P. Tarnawsky Myeloproliferative Neoplasms 115 Imran Nizamuddin and Amy W. Zhou11. Transfusion Medicine 138 Nathan B. McLamb and Suzanne R. Thibodeaux 12. Sickle Cell Disease 151 Oladipo Cole 13. Drugs That Affect Hemostasis: Anticoagulants, Thrombolytics, and Antifibrinolytics 165 Sasha Haarberg 14. Plasma Cell Disorders 181 Michael J. Slade PART II. ONCOLOGY 15. Introduction and Approach to Oncology 193 Mia C. Weiss 16. Cancer Biology 206 Jared Cohen 17. Introduction to Cancer Genomics 213 Giordano F. Cittolin Santos and Daniel Morgensztern 18. Cancer Therapeutics 217 Sasha Haarberg 19. Introduction to Radiation Oncology 249 Mustafaa Mahmood, Anthony Apicelli, Imran Zoberi, and Joanna C. Yang 20. Introduction to Immunotherapy 258 Brett H. Herzog, Tanner M. Johanns, and Jeffrey P. Ward 21. Breast Cancer 267 Katherine Clifton 22. Lung Cancer 288 Christine Auberle and Saiama N. Waqar 23. Colorectal Cancer 299 Patrick M. Grierson 24. Other Gastrointestinal Malignancies 307 Malignant Melanoma 325 Favour Ayomide Akinjiyan, Renee Morecroft, Alice Zhou, and George Ansstas Head and Neck Cancer 333 Peter Oppelt Sarcoma 340 Mia C. Weiss Endocrine Malignancies 350 Michael D. Iglesia, Peter Oppelt, and Nikolaos A. Trikalinos Urologic Malignancies 369 Melissa A. Reimers Gynecologic Oncology 381 Andrea R. Hagemann Primary Brain Tumors 400 Kaiden Barozinsky, Kaleigh Roberts, and Omar Hameed Butt Leukemias 406 Michael J. Slade Lymphoma 427 Ryan Day Introduction to Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation 441 Giulia Petrone and Amanda F. Cashen Human Immunodeficiency Virus–Associated Malignancies 456 Thomas A. Odeny Cancer of Unknown Primary (CUP) 468 Michael D. Bern and Olivia Aranha Supportive Care in Oncology 475 Oladipo Cole and Angela C. Hirbe Oncologic Emergencies 490 Brendan Knapp Index 501
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The Washington Manual Hematology and Oncology Subspecialty Consult
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