The Scope of Practice for Academic Nurse Educators and Academic Clinical Nurse Educators, Third Edition Linda S. Christensen, EdD, JD, RN, CNE; Larry E. Simmons, PhD, RN, CNE, NEA-BC, Editors
It is essential to recognize academic nursing education as a specialty area of practice and academic nurse educators as an advanced practice role within professional nursing. The Scope of Practice for Academic Nurse Educators and Academic Clinical Nurse Educators, Third Edition outlines core competencies with task statements for both academic nurse educators practicing in the full scope of the faculty role and academic clinical nurse educators who work with learners in clinical settings.
This updated resource presents the historical perspective, values and beliefs, theoretical framework, research in the academic nurse educator roles, and future for those roles. The discussion of each role details relevant definitions, scope of practice, standards of practice, and specific competencies.
The Scope of Practice for Academic Nurse Educators and Academic Clinical Nurse Educators, 3rd Edition
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975160128
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