Focusing on the practical skills needed to establish rapport with patients and gain valuable clinical insights,The Psychiatric Interview, 5th Edition, offers a practical, concise approach to improving interviewing skills. Noted psychiatrist and award-winning mental health journalist Dr. Daniel J. Carlat uses a proven combination of mnemonics, specific techniques for approaching threatening topics, and phrasing examples to illustrate the nuances of the interviewing process, making this easy-to-digest text essential reading for trainees and practitioners in psychiatry, psychology, nursing, social work, and related fields.
Offers a concise, real-world approach to the psychiatric interview, filled with tips and pearls to develop confidence in interviewing
Brings you up to speed with the DSM 5-TR and current research, and includes a new chapter on techniques for the agitated patient and a new discussion of prolonged grief
Contains focused, practical sections on general principles of effective interviewing, obtaining the psychiatric history, and interviewing for diagnosis
Uses mnemonics and pocket cards to help you understand and remember key elements of the effective interview
Provides clear techniques for approaching threatening topics, and shows how relationships that are endangered can be repaired
Presents information in an engaging, conversational manner, helping you form an alliance with each patient in order to promote cooperation and effective treatment
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Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
4 1/4 x 7 1/8
Publication Date
June 12, 2023
Preface ......................................... vi Introduction to the Fifth Edition ..................... ix Acknowledgments ................................ x Section I. General Principles of Effective Interviewing 1 The Initial Interview: A Preview .............. 2 2 Logistic Preparations: What to Do Before the Interview ................................ 7 3 The Therapeutic Alliance: What It Is, Why It’s Important, and How to Establish It ......... 17 4 Asking Questions I: How to Approach Threatening Topics ........................ 25 5 Asking Questions II: Tricks for Improving Patient Recall ............................. 30 6 Asking Questions III: How to Change Topics With Style ............................... 33 7 Techniques for the Reluctant Patient .......... 35 8 Techniques for the Overly Talkative Patient ..... 39 9 Techniques for the Malingering Patient ........ 43 10 Techniques for the Agitated Patient ........... 48 11 Techniques for the Adolescent Patient ......... 52 12 Interviewing Family Members and Other Informants ............................... 61 13 Techniques for Other Challenging Situations .... 71 14 Practical Psychodynamics in the Diagnostic Interview ................................ 77 Section II. The Psychiatric History 15 Obtaining the History of Present Illness ........ 90 16 Obtaining the Psychiatric History ............. 97 17 Screening for General Medical Conditions ...... 105 Contents18 Family Psychiatric History .................. 114 19 Obtaining the Social and Developmental History ... 119 Section III. Interviewing for Diagnosis: The Psychiatric Review of Symptoms 20 How to Memorize the DSM-5-TR Criteria ....... 126 21 Interviewing for Diagnosis: The Art of Hypothesis Testing ......................... 137 22 Mental Status Examination .................. 142 23 Assessing Suicidal and Homicidal Ideation ...... 164 24 Assessing Mood Disorders I: Depressive Disorders ................................ 172 25 Assessing Mood Disorders II: Bipolar Disorder ... 184 26 Assessing Anxiety , Obsessive, and Trauma Disorders ................................ 192 27 Assessing Substance Use Disorder ............. 205 28 Assessing Psychotic Disorders ................ 214 29 Assessing Neurocognitive Disorders (Dementia and Delirium) ................... 234 30 Assessing Eating Disorders and Somatic Symptom Disorder ......................... 243 31 Assessing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ................................. 249 32 Assessing Personality Disorders .............. 256 Section IV. Interviewing for Treatment 33 How to Educate Your Patient ................ 270 34 Negotiating a Treatment Plan ................ 277 35 Writing Up the Results of the Interview ........ 282 Appendices A Pocket Cards ............................. 294 B Data Forms for the Interview ................ 301 C Patient Education Handouts ................. 317 Index .......................................... 329
Offers a concise, real-world approach to the psychiatric interview, filled with tips and pearls to develop confidence in interviewing
Brings you up to speed with the DSM 5-TR and current research, and includes a new chapter on techniques for the agitated patient and a new discussion of prolonged grief
Contains focused, practical sections on general principles of effective interviewing, obtaining the psychiatric history, and interviewing for diagnosis
Uses mnemonics and pocket cards to help you understand and remember key elements of the effective interview
Provides clear techniques for approaching threatening topics, and shows how relationships that are endangered can be repaired
Presents information in an engaging, conversational manner, helping you form an alliance with each patient in order to promote cooperation and effective treatment
Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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